Series 13
- -ee/-ey/-e/-ea/: bee, key, pea - the rhyme pattern involves the /iː/
allen key, key, bee, spree, Tennessee, we, TV, zee, me, lee, glee, he, knee, pea, plea, ski,, see, she, tea, tee, three, twenty-three, thirty-three, forty-three, fifty-three, sixty-three, seventy-three, eighty-three, ninety-three, tree, agree, flea, sea, carefree, free, bumblebee, sweet pea, snap pea, palm tree, Christmas tree, undersea, hands free, Frisbee, Hawaii,
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- -ut/-utt/-what: but, gut, nut - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌt/
coconut, but, butt, cut, doughnut, glut, gut, hut, jut, mutt, nut, putt, rut, shut, smut, strut, chestnut, haircut, rebut, shortcut, somewhat, uncut, walnut, cashew nut, hazelnut, donut
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- -eeze/-eese/-ees/-eys/… freeze, cheese, sees, keys - the rhyme pattern involves the /iz/
breeze, bees, cheese, fees, freeze, keys, knees, please, sees, sneeze, squeeze, tease, trees, cream cheese, Chinese, deep freeze, Swiss cheese, mac & cheese, cheddar cheese, parentheses, these, trapeze, parmesan cheese
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- -ation: station, duration, location - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪʃən/
bus station, rotation, nation, citation, creation, foundation, migration, plantation, salvation, sedation, starvation, vacation, vibration, amputation, animation, train station, subway station, police station, metro station, gas station, fire station, calculation, station, celebration, conversation, duration, dictation, formation, inflation, transportation, respiration, renovation, relaxation, occupation, multiplication, medication, location, graduation
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- -ery/-erry/-ary/arry: berry, cherry, very - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛri/
berry, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, blackberry, cherry, sour cherry. ferry, scary, very, February, January, dictionary, dromedary, bury, fairy, Jerry, Harry, hairy, Marry, secretary, library, gooseberry, vocabulary, obituary, itinerary, imaginary, involuntary, winter cherry, veterinary, tom & jerry, dietary, rosemary, mulberry, hackberry, canary, black cherry, Surinam cherry, monastery, cemetery, carry