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This section focuses on teaching and learning words through common rimes (patterns of letters that end words). I have created 15 series of materials using patterns from Edward J. Dwyer's work, along with additional patterns from my own research. The first half of these series features easier rimes, while the latter half presents more complex ones. A complete list of these patterns is provided after the series.
Flashcards for these series are already uploaded, and I will be adding online apps for free practice soon. The resources in this section are valuable for educators, students learning English as a second language, speech therapists, CDAs, SLPAs, and parents. If you need specific flashcards, you can find them in other sections, such as articulation sounds for therapy, phonological intervention, or aphasia.
Please look for the flashcards (series 01-15) and programs under the 'Rhyming Words' section in the menus.
Series 01
- -ab: cab, grab, slab - the rhyme pattern involves the /æb/
cab, crab, dab, drab, fab, flab, gab, grab, jab, lab, scab, nab, slab, stab, tab, taxicab, sand crab, king crab
- -ack: back, sack, track - the rhyme pattern involves the /æk/
back, yack, yak, black, clack, crack, flack, hack, shack, jack, lumberjack, knack, lack, pack, battery pack, backpack, plaque, rack, track, Spice Rack, cooling rack, bike rack, sack, sac, slack, snack, stack, tack, whack, wrack, attack, comeback, feedback, horseback, rucksack, soundtrack, leatherback, thumbtack, haystack, lilac
- -ad: sad, mad, glad - the rhyme pattern involves the /æd/
add, cad, bad, had, lad, grad, wire brad, dad, glad, mad, pad, lily pad, launch pad, plaid, sad, scad, shad, tad, ironclad,
- -ag: bag, tag, rag - the rhyme pattern involves the /æɡ/
bag, brag, dag, drag, fag, flag, gag, hag, lag, mag, nag, rag, sag, shag, slag, snag, stag, tag, price tag, wag, handbag, sandbag, mailbag, trash bag, sleeping bag, shopping bag, punching bag, paper bag, bin bag, zig-zag, schoolbag, tea-bag
- -ail: mail, tail, sail - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪl/
blue whale, orca whale, ail, ale, bail, stale, bale, brail, dale, fail, gale, hail, jail, hale, mail, male, nail, pail, pale, quail, rail, sail, sale, scale, tail, tale, trail, vale, wail, wale, snail, ponytail, mallet nail, fingernail, female, garage sale, cocktail, Celsius scale, Fahrenheit scale, Righter scale, ginger ale, toenail, veil, Braille, cattail
Series 02
- -ain: rain, pain, train - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪn/
airplane, bane, brain, chain, crane, drain, feign, gain, grain, lane, mane, pain, rain, plane, plain, rein, sane, slain, Spain, vain, vein, key chain, seaplane, train, sprain, restrain, cane, butane, champagne, contain, complain, domain, explain, food chain, hurricane, pane, Maine
- -ake: cake, snake, bake - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪk/
ache, stomach ache, headache, toothache, bake, brake, break, cake, fruitcake, cupcake, cheesecake, pancake, wrapper cake, wedding cake, birthday cake, fudge cake, drake, flake, snowflake, hake, milkshake, lake, rake, sake, shake, snake, rattlesnake, steak, take, wake, awake, make, Cobra Snake,
- -ale/-ail: pale, whale, tale, mail, tail, sail - - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪl/
blue whale, orca whale, ail, ale, bail, stale, bale, brail, dale, fail, gale, hail, jail, hale, mail, male, nail, pail, pale, quail, rail, sail, sale, scale, tail, tale, trail, vale, wail, wale, snail, ponytail, mallet nail, fingernail, female, garage sale, cocktail, Celsius scale, Fahrenheit scale, Righter scale, ginger ale, toenail, veil, Braille, cattail
- -all: ball, wall, small - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɔːl/
all, volleyball, rugby ball, tennis ball, handball, tetherball, softball, soccer ball, snowball, racquetball, paintball, paddleball, meatball, kickball, gumball, football, eyeball, bowling ball, beach ball, basketball, baseball, ball, bawl, call, waterfall, rainfall, fall, town hall, hall, city hall, mall, shawl, small, sprawl, install, tall, wall, overall
- -am: jam, clam, ham - the rhyme pattern involves the /æm/
clam, am, bam, cam, cram, dam, yam, damn, gram, ham, jam, lam, ram, Sam, scam, spam, slam, tam, tram, engram, program, diagram, diaphragm, hologram, kilogram, milligram, telegram, traffic jam, electrocardiogram, exam, jamb, lamb, anagram, swam
Series 03
- -an: man, fan, plan - the rhyme pattern involves the /æn/
ban, Ann, can, clan, fan, flan, man, pan, plan, ran, san, tan, suntan, van, than, batman, milkman, saucepan, trash can, paint can, garbage can, snowman, jazzman, frogman, fisherman, paint pan, Grill Pan, frying pan, dustpan, less than, greater than, cyan
- -ank: bank, tank, rank - the rhyme pattern involves the /æŋk/
bank, blank, clank, crank, flank, hank, lank, plank, prank, rank, sank, shank, tank, thank, drank, piggy bank
- -ap: cap, map, trap - the rhyme pattern involves the /æp/
baseball cap, hubcap, cap, yap, crap, flap, frap, gap, hap, lap, nap, map, snap, zap, wrap, trap, plastic wrap, strap, town with map, clap, rap, tap,
- -ar: car, star, far - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɑːr/
bar, are, car, tar, far, gar, jar, par, star, sitar, bazaar, cigar, guitar, electric guitar, jaguar, radar, rock star, handlebar, crossbar, candy bar, streetcar, sports car, scar, police car,
- -ash: cash, flash, rash - the rhyme pattern involves the /æʃ/
Ash, cash, crash, dash, flash, splash, eyelash, moustache, rash, mash, smash, clash, trash, potash,
Series 04
- -at: cat, hat, mat - the rhyme pattern involves the /æt/
bat, that, at, cat, brat, chat, fat, flat, hat, gat, mat, pat, rat, sat, combat, format, white cat, black cat, winter hat, sun hat, birthday hat, placemat, non-slip shower mat, thermostat
- -ate: late, gate, plate - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪt/
ate, bait, debate, crate, pet crate, date, eight, twenty-eight, thirty-eight, forty-eight, fifty-eight, sixty-eight, seventy-eight, eighty-eight, ninety-eight, freight, gait, gate, liver pate, irrigate, grate, migrate, great, hate, Kate, late, plate, Isolate, slate, roommate, playmate, separate (vb), aspirate (vb), skate, roller skates, ice skates, state, straight, rotate, precipitate (vb), wait, weight, await, procrastinate, graduate (vb)
- -ave: cave, wave, brave - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪv/
brave, cave, crave, gave, grave, pave, rave, save, shave, slave, waive, wave, microwave, concave, engrave
- -aw: saw, claw, draw - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɔː/
straw, saw, power saw, handsaw, hacksaw, circular saw, draw, paw, law, slaw, sister-in-law, jaw, bear claw, bear paw, chainsaw, claw, flaw, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, thaw, Utah, macaw, fretsaw, bra
- -ay: day, play, say - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪ/
array, bay, clay, fillet, day, gray, hay, hey, they, lay, may, pay, weigh, play, pray, ray, say, essay, slay, spray, stay, stray, sway, tray, paint tray, way, airway, archway, ashtray, astray, away, betray, birthday, blue jay, convey, delay, dismay, display, freeway, Friday, halfway, hallway, highway, midway, Monday, Norway, obey, parkway, pathway, payday, railway, repay, replay, relay, runway, stairway, subway, Sunday, survey, Thursday, today, Tuesday, Saturday, Wednesday, weekday, workday, x-ray, hurray!, valentine's Day, holiday, everyday, bouquet, croquet, sleigh, driveway, chalet , ricochet,
Series 05
- -ed: bed, red, sled - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛd/
bed, bread, bred, dread, fed, fled, head, ted, forehead, led, bobsled, pled, read (v), red, shred, said, shed, sled, spread, thread, tread, wed, zed, hospital bed, dog bed
- -ell: bell, tell, shell - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛl/
bell, yell, bluebell, doorbell, barbell, cell, shell, seashell, spell, tell, well, swell, dwell, fell, gel, hell, smell, jell, quell, sell, carrousel, parallel, decibel, gazelle, hotel, motel, nutshell
- -en: pen, ten, men - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛn/
den, Ben, fen, gen, hen, then, ken, men, pen, ten, when, again, fountain pen, playpen, amen
- -end: send, bend, lend - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛnd/
bend, blend, end, fend, lend, mend, send, tend, trend, wend, amend, attend, boyfriend, descend, girlfriend, weekend, spend, pretend, friend, farm friend
- -ent: rent, sent, bent - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛnt/
bent, cent, dent, president, lent, meant, pent, rent, scent, sent, spent, tent, trent, vent, went, accent, cement, content, descent, event, invent, torment, unbent, consent,
Series 06
- -est: best, test, nest - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛst/
best, blest, chest, crest, guest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, addressed, arrest, bird’s nest, failed a test F, breast, blessed, dressed, fest, pressed, vest, west, wrest, skin test, blood test, detest, life vest,
- -et: pet, get, wet - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛt/
alphabet, bet, headset, debt, sweat, threat, baguette, duet, brunette, fret, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, ret, set, vet, wet, yet, briquette, cadet, cassette, forget, gazette, lunette, reset, regret, sunset, upset, clarinet, cigarette, cornet, internet, marionette, vanity set
- -ew: new, few, stew - the rhyme pattern involves the /juː/
twenty-two, true, to, through, threw, shoe, screw, moo, knew, hue, grew, glue, flu, few, cue, crew, coup, clue, tissue, chew, blue, yew, stew, statue, honeydew, dew, drew, tennis shoe, snowshoe, horseshoe, wood screw, machine screw, corkscrew, rescue, canoe, new, undo, peony
- -ib: rib, fib, crib - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪb/
bib, crib, glib, jib, nib, rib, spareribs
- -ice: rice, nice, twice - the rhyme pattern involves the /aɪs/
Dice, ice, price, mice, nice, rice, slice, spice, splice, twice, vice, vise, advice, allspice, concise, device, pack ice, precise, suffice, imprecise, paradise, overprice
Series 07
- -ick: stick, kick, lick - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪk/
baby chick, brick, wick, click, crick, flick, hick, kick, lick, Nick, pick, quick, Rick, sick, slick, stick, lipstick, fish stick, drumstick, chopstick, candle stick, broomstick, thick, tick, trick, joystick, toothpick, picnic
- -ide: side, ride, slide - the rhyme pattern involves the /aɪd/
beside, bide, herbicide, bride, dried, dyed, fried, glide, guide, hide, lied, pride, ride, side, slide, tide, wide, two sides, outside, inside
- -ie: pie, tie, lie - the rhyme pattern involves the /aɪ/
bow tie, tie, buy, by, I, cry, die, dye, eye, fly, Housefly , firefly, dragonfly, butterfly, fry, guy, high, hi, lie, lye, my, pie, shy, why, apply, good-bye, rabbi, supply, samurai, verify, thigh, magpie, cherry pie, bye, goodbye, try, spy, sky, July, magnify, pry, thereby, dry, sly
- -ight: light, night, fight - the rhyme pattern involves the /aɪt/
bite, bright, byte, cite, fight, flight, height, kite, knight, light, traffic light, sunlight, stoplight, skylight, flashlight, might, night, quite, right, sight, site, sleight, slight, spite, white, tight, write, all right, fright, dynamite, campsite, daylight, frostbite, graphite, ignite, midnight, moonlight, snakebite, tonight, upright, Fahrenheit, invite, satellite
- -ig: big, pig, dig - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪɡ/
big, brig, dig, fig, gig, jig, pig, prig, rig, swig, trig, twig, wig, guinea pig, sprig
Series 08
- -ill: hill, still, drill - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪl/
bill, dollar bill, chill, dill, drill, fill, frill, gill, grill, hill, ill, windmill, treadmill, spill, sill, pill, kill, mill, shrill, skill, still, swill, thrill, trill, twill, will, advil, brazil, downhill, landfill, refill, daffodil, until,
- -in: pin, win, spin - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪn/
chin, bin, double chin, tin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, inn, kin, min, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, thin, twin, win, begin, kingpin, within, violin, mandolin, rolling pin, Lynn, sheepskin
- -ine: line, fine, shine - the rhyme pattern involves the /aɪn/
Canine, brine, dine, fine, line, time line, recline, hairline, goal line, finish line, mine, combine, nine, twenty-nine, thirty-nine, forty-nine, fifty-nine, sixty-nine, seventy-nine, eighty-nine, ninety-nine,pine, shine, sunshine, shrine, sign, spine, sine, swine, tine, valentine, Clementine, trine, twine, vine, grapevine, wine, airline, design, feline, goldmine, online, pipeline, skyline,
- -ing: sing, ring, king - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪŋ/
anything, bring, cling, spring ding, king, fling, ping, ring, sling, sting, string, swing, thing, wing, zing, answering, coloring, raising, pushing, pressing, kissing, sing, frosting, watching, nothing, clothing, drawing, bubble blowing, blowing, snoozing, sneezing, during, duckling, dropping, dinking, digging, dancing, curling, crying, covering, cooking, climbing, cleaning, canoeing, camping, butterfly catching, boxing, bowling, bouncing, beginning, frowning, flashing, figure skating, feeding, evening, ending, eating, earring, dreaming, dragging, crawling, wedding, warning, tying, truck driving, tickling, thinking, thanksgiving, texting, swinging, swimming, sweeping, sweating, swatting, surfing, stretching, stocking, steaming, sprouting, sprinkling, spreading, spraying, spinning, snorkeling, sniffing, smelling, sleeping, skiing, sitting, shopping, searching, sailing, running, roller skating, rhyming, relaxing, reading, raking, railing, pointing, playing, planting, observing, non-living, moving, morning, listening, lighting, laughing, landing, smiling, snipping, striking, hiding, drawstring, spring,
- -ink: pink, sink, drink - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪŋk/
blink, brink, chink, clink, drink, fink, ink, link, pink, rink, shrink, sink, stink, think, sync, wink, zinc, ice rink
Series 09
- -ip: ship, tip, clip - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪp/
chip, potato chip, microchip, clip, slip, blip, dip, drip, flip, grip, hip, kip, lip, nip, pip, rip, ship, sip, skip, snip, ship, strip, tip, trip, zip, yip, cruise ship, spaceship, warship, membership, ownership, paper clip, friendship, flagship
- -it: sit, hit, fit - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɪt/
armpit, bit, fit, hit, kit, knit, lit, mitt, pit, quit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, soffit, cockpit, screwdriver bit
- -ob: job, mob, knob - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒb/
blob, bob, cob, glob, gob, hob, job, knob, door knob, lob, slob, mob, rob, snob, sob, swab, corncob,
- -ock: rock, sock, block - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒk/
alarm clock, block, block abc, sunblock, roadblock, chalk, crock, doc, dock, flock, frock, hock, knock, shock, lock, dreadlocks, digital clock, analog clock, smock, rock, shamrock, sock, different sock, stock, wok, peacock, cock
- -og: dog, fog, log - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒɡ/
bulldog, dog, log, bullfrog, hotdog, leapfrog, sea dog, sled dog, prairie dog, lost dog, hound dog, chili hot-dog, sheepdog,
Series 10
- -oke: joke, smoke, poke - the rhyme pattern involves the /oʊk/
coke, bloke, broke, choke, cloak, croak, folk, joke, oak, poke, soak, stoke, woke, yolk, cork oak, egg yolk, provoke, revoke, white oak, artichoke, yoke, stroke, spoke, smoke
- -on: son, run, won - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌn/
bun, twenty-one, thirty-one, forty-one, fifty-one, sixty-one, seventy-one, eighty-one, ninety-one, done, dun, fun, gun, spray gun, glue gun, no one, none, nun, one, run, fast run, pun, spun, shun, son, stun, sun, ton, won, anyone, everyone, grandson, home run, stepson
- -op: hop, stop, top - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒp/
bus stop, stop, bop, chop, cop, pop, crop, drop, flop, hop, fop, mop, prop, shop, top, slop, sop, strop, swap, desktop, eavesdrop, laptop, raindrop, raindrops, sponge mop, flip-flops, tank top, lollipop, mountaintop, gumdrop,
- -or: for, more, store - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɔːr/
apple core, core, ore, chore, shutter garage door, front door, door, drawer, floor, tore, pour, for, ignore, semaphore, four, thirty-four, forty-four, fifty-four, sixty-four, seventy-four, eighty-four, ninety-four, herbivore, twenty-four, therefore, before, explore, snore, sore, more, dinosaur, roar, oar, wore, grocery store, drugstore, bookstore, shore, seashore, score, war, store, carnivore,
- -ot: hot, pot, spot - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒt/
astronaut, bought, slingshot, caught, cot, dot, lot, got, snapshot, hot, knot, slot, parking lot, mail slot, not, teapot, spot, pot, pepper pot, flowerpot, crock pot, coffee pot, chimney pot, bald spot, rot, shot, tot, yacht, kilowatt, megawatt, apricot
Series 11
- -ow: cow, now, bow - the rhyme pattern involves the /aʊ/
bow, now, bough, brow, chough, cow, how, plow, scow, vow, wow, allow, eyebrow, chow, meow, snowplow,
- -ub: cub, tub, sub - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌb/
bear cub, club, drub, dub, grub, hub, nub, pub, rub, scrub, shrub, snub, stub, sub, tub, nightclub, lion cub, cub, golf club, rose shrub
- -uck: duck, truck, luck - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌk/
chuck, buck, cluck, duck, luck, muck, pluck, puck, schmuck, struck, stuck, truck, tuck, dump truck, good luck, garbage truck, fire truck, yuck,
- -ug: bug, mug, rug - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌɡ/
bug, litterbug, lightning bug, ladybug, hug, dug, drug, jug, mug, plug, rug, shrug, slug, smug, snug, tug, humbug, unplug, spark plug, lug,
- -uff: puff, stuff, cuff - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌf/
bluff, rough, powder puff, handcuff, cuff, enough, snuff, stuff,
Series 12
- -um: drum, sum, plum - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌm/
drum, bum, crumb, come, chum, dumb, from, glum, gum, sum, bubble gum, mum, hum, plum, plumb, scum, some, thumb,
- -ump: jump, bump, stump - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌmp/
bump, chump, dump, hump, jump, trump, long jump, plump, insulin pump, pump, rump, high jump, stump, lump,
- -unk: sunk, chunk, trunk - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌŋk/
bunk, chunk, clunk, drunk, dunk, flunk, hunk, junk, monk, plunk, punk, shrunk, skunk, spunk, sunk, trunk
- -air: air, fair, wear - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛər/
air, there, bear, fair, dare, flair, flare, glare, hair, hare, scare, snare, spare, square, stair, stare, wear, teady bear, polar bear, grizzly bear, wheelchair, highchair, white hair, wavy hair, tied up hair, straight hair, spiky hair, red hair, pig tail hair, grey hair, golden hair, fringe hair, electric wheelchair, chair, bun hair, blond hair, auburn hair, share, underwear, sleepwear, repair, millionaire, pair, anywhere, cactus pear, flatware, mare, neckwear, Delaware, Tupperware, where, armchair
- -ator/-aitor/-ater/-aiter/-ighter/: alligator, traitor, skater - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪtər/
alligator, crater, freighter, greater, hater, skater, traitor, waiter, creator, debater, dictator, translator, calculator, cater, gaiter, grater, later, stator, alternator, educator, excavator, navigator, oscillator, operator, radiator, gladiator, elevator, generator, incubator, ventilator, accelerator, defibrillator, refrigerator, equator, crater,
Series 13
- -ee/-ey/-e/-ea/: bee, key, pea - the rhyme pattern involves the /iː/
allen key, key, bee, spree, Tennessee, we, TV, zee, me, lee, glee, he, knee, pea, plea, ski,, see, she, tea, tee, three, twenty-three, thirty-three, forty-three, fifty-three, sixty-three, seventy-three, eighty-three, ninety-three, tree, agree, flea, sea, carefree, free, bumblebee, sweet pea, snap pea, palm tree, Christmas tree, undersea, hands free, Frisbee, Hawaii,
- -ut: but, gut, nut - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌt/
coconut, but, butt, cut, doughnut, glut, gut, hut, jut, mutt, nut, putt, rut, shut, smut, strut, what, chestnut, haircut, rebut, shortcut, somewhat, uncut, walnut, cashew nut, hazelnut, donut
- -eeze/-eese/-ees/-eys/… freeze, cheese, sees, keys - the rhyme pattern involves the /iz/
breeze, bees, cheese, fees, freeze, keys, knees, please, sees, sneeze, squeeze, tease, trees, cream cheese, Chinese, deep freeze, Swiss cheese, mac & cheese, cheddar cheese, parentheses, these, trapeze, parmesan cheese
- -ation: station, duration, location - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪʃən/
bus station, rotation, nation, citation, creation, foundation, migration, plantation, salvation, sedation, starvation, vacation, vibration, amputation, animation, train station, subway station, police station, metro station, gas station, fire station, calculation, station, celebration, conversation, duration, dictation, formation, inflation, transportation, respiration, renovation, relaxation, occupation, multiplication, medication, location, graduation
- -ery/-erry/-ary/arry: berry, cherry, very - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛri/
berry, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, blackberry, cherry, sour cherry. ferry, scary, very, February, January, dictionary, dromedary, bury, fairy, Jerry, Harry, hairy, Marry, secretary, library, gooseberry, vocabulary, obituary, itinerary, imaginary, involuntary, winter cherry, veterinary, tom & jerry, dietary, rosemary, mulberry, hackberry, canary, black cherry, Surinam cherry, monastery, cemetery, carry
Series 14
- -ocks/-ox: blocks, ox, fox - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɑks/
box, tool box, tissue box, sandbox, mailbox, lunch box, letter box, blocks, clocks, docks, fox, locks, ox, rocks, socks, stocks, gearbox, equinox, paradox, chatterbox
- -ark: ark, mark, park - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɑrk/
Ark, bark, dark, park, shark, spark, ballpark, benchmark, birthmark, check mark, landmark, monarch, postmark, trademark, disembark, question mark, watermark, theme park, city park, quotation mark, mark, bookmark, skylark, lark
- -ound: round, sound, wound - the rhyme pattern involves the /aʊnd/
around, bound, ground, found, sound, round, pound, abound, astound, background, campground, compound, confound, earthbound, eastbound, greyhound, homebound, playground, profound, rebound, resound, surround, unbound, underground, ultrasound, browned, hound, drowned, crowned, foxhound, mound, wound
- -one/-one: bone, phone, stone - the rhyme pattern involves the /un/
alone, bone, clone, cone, drone, groan, loan, phone, prone, stone, throne, tone, zone, wishbone, trombone, thighbone, cyclone, xylophone, telephone, saxophone, microphone, headphone, earphone, cell phone, Yellowstone, sharpening stone, rhinestone, precious stone, pinecone
- -oon/une: balloon, moon, June - the rhyme pattern involves the /oʊn/ sound
balloon, hot air balloon, boon, croon, dune, goon, loon, moon, noon, spoon, soon, rune, tune, strewn, swoon, baboon, cocoon, cartoon, lagoon, maroon, raccoon, afternoon, dune, June, moon, noon, prune, rune, spoon, tablespoon, teaspoon, tune
Series 15
- -uit/-oot/-ute/-oute: fruit, root, mute, route - the rhyme pattern involves the /ut/ sound
bathing suit, boot, swimsuit, suit, brute, chute, parachute, coot, cute, flute, pan flute, fruit, hoot, loot, root, mute, route, scoot, shoot, toot, grapefruit, star fruit, passion fruit, egg fruit, dragon fruit, dispute, minute, space suit
- –oom/-ume/-om: boom, plume, tomb - the rhyme pattern involves the /um/ sound
bathroom, bloom, boom, broom, doom, flume, fume, gloom, groom, plume, room, spume, tomb, whom, zoom, bedroom, mushroom, living room, family room, classroom, loom, womb, washroom, perfume, lunchroom, costume, restroom, Playroom
- -ace/-ase: ace, case - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪs/ sound
ace, base, brace, case, briefcase, suitcase, lowercase, uppercase, staircase, chase, dace, face, lace, shoelace, mace, pace, place, race, space, trace, fireplace, database, vase, bookcase
- -o/-oe/-ow/-ough/-eau: go, doe, grow, dough, beau - the rhyme pattern involves the /oʊ/ sound
below, beau, blow, UFO, row, no, hoe, buffalo, doe, dough, cookie dough, flow, judo, floe, go, glow, grow, Joe, know, low, mow, owe, show, snow, slow, stow, though, throw, toe, tow, ago, bestow, chateau, crossbow, crow, elbow, banjo, borrow, cargo, coco, hello, kilo, meadow, metro, photo, rainbow, shadow, tiptoe, audio, commando, Eskimo, indigo, Mexico, overflow, radio, tornado, torpedo, clock radio, oregano, portfolio, sweet potato, tomato, tomorrow, pistachio, hot potato, white potato, New Mexico, piccolo, rodeo, sew, Idaho, willow
Here is the complete database:
- Above, dove, rock dove, love, of, shove, glove, golf glove, oven glove, baseball glove, boxing glove, rubber glove, in front of,
- stove, clove, grove, mangrove,
- Abrasive
- Abrasion, Asian, evasion, invasion, Caucasian, equation,
- Accordion
- ace, base, brace, case, briefcase, suitcase, lowercase, uppercase, staircase, chase, dace, face, lace, shoelace, mace, pace, place, race, space, trace, fireplace, database, vase, bookcase
- surface, necklace, reckless
- ache, stomach ache, headache, toothache, bake, brake, break, cake, fruitcake, cupcake, cheesecake, pancake, wrapper cake, wedding cake, birthday cake, fudge cake, drake, flake, snowflake, hake, milkshake, lake, rake, sake, shake, snake, rattlesnake, steak, take, wake, awake, make, Cobra Snake,
- acorn, born, newborn, unicorn, popcorn, corn, Capricorn, horn, party horn, long horn, fog horn, mourn, thorn, torn in, warn, worn, sworn, airborne, firstborn, French horn, torn,
- across, boss, cross, toss, gloss, loss, sauce, moss, bread sauce, brown sauce, cream sauce, peat moss, red cross, white sauce
- floss
- dibber
- mattock, attic, static,
- secateurs
- Hornet
- acupuncture, puncture, conjuncture
- add, cad, bad, had, lad, grad, wire brad, dad, glad, mad, pad, lily pad, launch pad, plaid, sad, scad, shad, tad, ironclad,
- adhesive, cohesive
- adjustable wrench, bench, French, drench, stench, tench, wrench, socket wrench, pipe wrench, monkey wrench, workbench, TV-bench
- adult, cult, insult, consult, occult, result, catapult,
- verb, curb, herb,
- adverb
- aerial antenna, antenna
- afloat, boat, overcoat , tugboat, steamboat, speedboat, sailboat, rowboat, riverboat, goat, Billy goat, note, footnote, oat, raincoat, float, coat, quote, throat, vote, wrote, remote
- afraid, blade, roller blades, aid, mermaid, hearing aid, first aid, braid, fade, grade, glade, wade, laid, made, paid, maid, raid, shade, spade, trade, lemonade, cascade
- after, rafter, thereafter, laughter,
- air, there, bear, fair, dare, flair, flare, glare, hair, hare, scare, snare, spare, square, stair, stare, wear, teady bear, polar bear, grizzly bear, wheelchair, highchair, white hair, wavy hair, tied up hair, straight hair, spiky hair, red hair, pig tail hair, grey hair, golden hair, fringe hair, electric wheelchair, chair, bun hair, blond hair, auburn hair, share, underwear, sleepwear, repair, millionaire, pair, anywhere, cactus pear, flatware, mare, neckwear, Delaware, Tupperware, where, armchair
- air mattress, sadness, gladness, madness, blackness, flatness, malice, palace, slackness, vastness
- airfield, field, shield, yield, wield, concealed, outfield, cornfield, windshield
- airplane, bane, brain, chain, crane, drain, feign, gain, grain, lane, mane, pain, rain, plane, plain, rein, sane, slain, Spain, vain, vein, key chain, seaplane, train, sprain, restrain, cane, butane, champagne, contain, complain, domain, explain, food chain, hurricane, pane, Maine
- airport, court, short, sort, abort, deport, port, distort, import, report, resort, retort, transport, tennis court, support, seaport, sport, passport, fort
- aisle, file, isle, mile, Nile, pile, smile, style, tile, vile, profile, reptile, crocodile, tactile
- snowmobile, automobile
- alarm, arm, charm, farm, harm, disarm, firearm, forearm, gendarme, side arm, burglar alarm, upper arm, underarm
- alarm clock, block, block abc, sunblock, roadblock, chalk, crock, doc, dock, flock, frock, hock, knock, shock, lock, dreadlocks, digital clock, analog clock, smock, rock, shamrock, sock, different sock, stock, wok, peacock, cock
- hawk, squawk, stalk, talk, walk, sidewalk,,
- Alberta
- album
- alert, dirt, hurt, T-shirt, Polo-shirt, sweat shirt, shirt, skirt, concert, desert, dessert, invert, insert, undershirt
- alike, bike, seat bike, hike, like, Mike, spike, strike, dislike, turnpike
- alive, skydive, dive, drive, five, twenty-five, thirty-five, forty-five, fifty-five, sixty-five, seventy-five, eighty-five, ninety-five, hive, live (adj), beehive, archive, arrive, hard drive,
- sol, doll, baby doll,
- all, volleyball, rugby ball, tennis ball, handball, tetherball, softball, soccer ball, snowball, racquetball, paintball, paddleball, meatball, kickball, gumball, football, eyeball, bowling ball, beach ball, basketball, baseball, ball, bawl, call, waterfall, rainfall, fall, town hall, hall, city hall, mall, shawl, small, sprawl, install, tall, wall, overall
- Allen key, key, bee, spree, Tennessee, we, TV, zee, me, lee, glee, he, knee, pea, plea, ski,, see, she, tea, tee, three, twenty-three, thirty-three, forty-three, fifty-three, sixty-three, seventy-three, eighty-three, ninety-three, tree, agree, flea, sea, carefree, free, bumblebee, sweet pea, snap pea, palm tree, Christmas tree, undersea, hands free, Frisbee, Hawaii,
- turkey, thanksgiving turkey, monkey, jockey, ice hockey, hockey, donkey, disk jockey, thirty, walkie-talkie, rocky
- alligator, crater, freighter, greater, hater, skater, traitor, waiter, creator, debater, dictator, translator, calculator, cater, gaiter, grater, later, stator, alternator, educator, excavator, navigator, oscillator, operator, radiator, gladiator, elevator, generator, incubator, ventilator, accelerator, defibrillator, refrigerator, equator, crater,
- peeler, dealer, healer, sealer, wheeler,
- all-purpose cleaner, vacuum cleaner, tub and tile cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, glass cleaner,
- cheater, meter, millimeter, centimeter,
- thermometer, kilometer, diameter,
- leader, reader, cheerleader,
- teacher, bleacher, preacher, creature,
- barometer, potentiometer,
- schemer, screamer, streamer,
- fever, weaver, leaver, believer, receiver, unbeliever, satellite receiver, beaver, lever
- alone, bone, clone, cone, drone, groan, loan, phone, prone, stone, throne, tone, zone, wishbone, trombone, thighbone, cyclone, xylophone, telephone, saxophone, microphone, headphone, earphone, cell phone, Yellowstone, sharpening stone, rhinestone, precious stone, pinecone
- alphabet, bet, headset, debt, sweat, threat, baguette, duet, brunette, fret, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, ret, set, vet, wet, yet, briquette, cadet, cassette, forget, gazette, lunette, reset, regret, sunset, upset, clarinet, cigarette, cornet, internet, marionette, vanity set
- aluminum foil, boil, broil, coil, oil, soil, uncoil
- always, holidays, blaze, raise, drawer trays, chaise, days, fraise, gaze, glaze, lays, maize, maze, pays, phrase, rays, raze, ways, blue jays, stays, ewe, mayonnaise, protease,
- ambulance,
- abacus,
- against
- America, Erica,
- American
- Amnesia, freesia, Tunisia, Indonesia,
- Among, cork bung, dung, hung, lung, rung, tongue, young
- Anchor, banker, tanker, canker, rancor,
- Angel, archangel
- Anger, langur
- Angle, triangle, dangle, strangle,
- angry
- animal
- ankle, rankle
- anniversary, nursery
- ants, pants, plants
- ant, aunt, can’t, plant, houseplant, eggplant, implant,
- croissant, font, want, restaurant, savant, storefront, commandant, Vermont, pont,
- taunt, haunt,
- anything, bring, cling, spring ding, king, fling, ping, ring, sling, sting, string, swing, thing, wing, zing, answering, coloring, raising, pushing, pressing, kissing, sing, frosting, watching, nothing, clothing, drawing, bubble blowing, blowing, snoozing, sneezing, during, duckling, dropping, dinking, digging, dancing, curling, crying, covering, cooking, climbing, cleaning, canoeing, camping, butterfly catching, boxing, bowling, bouncing, beginning, frowning, flashing, figure skating, feeding, evening, ending, eating, earring, dreaming, dragging, crawling, wedding, warning, tying, truck driving, tickling, thinking, thanksgiving, texting, swinging, swimming, sweeping, sweating, swatting, surfing, stretching, stocking, steaming, sprouting, sprinkling, spreading, spraying, spinning, snorkeling, sniffing, smelling, sleeping, skiing, sitting, shopping, searching, sailing, running, roller skating, rhyming, relaxing, reading, raking, railing, pointing, playing, planting, observing, non-living, moving, morning, listening, lighting, laughing, landing, smiling, snipping, striking, hiding, drawstring, spring,
- apartment, compartment, department,
- ape, cape, tape, shape, scrape, videotape, grape, Escape, electrical tape, drape
- apostrophe
- apple, chapel, pineapple, rose apple
- apple core, core, ore, chore, shutter garage door, front door, door, drawer, floor, tore, pour, for, ignore, semaphore, four, thirty-four, forty-four, fifty-four, sixty-four, seventy-four, eighty-four, ninety-four, herbivore, twenty-four, therefore, before, explore, snore, sore, more, dinosaur, roar, oar, wore, grocery store, drugstore, bookstore, shore, seashore, score, war, store, carnivore,
- use (vb), use (noun)
- apple juice, goose, moose, loose, juice,
- appliance, science, compliance, defiance
- April
- apron
- aquarium, planetarium
- arch, march, parch, starch
- archer, departure, pitcher, catcher, bird-watcher
- archery, armory, artery, burglary, forgery, hatchery, sorcery, surgery, tertiary, slippery, celery, battery, bakery
- arena, hyena, Argentina, ballerina
- Arizona, corona, persona, Barcelona
- Ark, bark, dark, park, shark, spark, ballpark, benchmark, birthmark, check mark, landmark, monarch, postmark, trademark, disembark, question mark, watermark, theme park, city park, quotation mark, mark, bookmark, skylark, lark
- Armadillo, billow, pillow
- armpit, bit, fit, hit, kit, knit, lit, mitt, pit, quit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, soffit, cockpit, screwdriver bit
- army jeep, jeep, beep, cheap, creep, deep, keep, leap, reap, sheep, sleep, steep, sweep, weep, asleep, upkeep, swans weep, black sheep, bleep, heap, seep, peep
- around, bound, ground, found, sound, round, pound, abound, astound, background, campground, compound, confound, earthbound, eastbound, greyhound, homebound, playground, profound, rebound, resound, surround, unbound, underground, ultrasound, browned, hound, drowned, crowned, foxhound, mound, wound
- arrange, change, range, strange, exchange, interchange, rearrange
- array, bay, clay, fillet, day, gray, hay, hey, they, lay, may, pay, weigh, play, pray, ray, say, essay, slay, spray, stay, stray, sway, tray, paint tray, way, airway, archway, ashtray, astray, away, betray, birthday, blue jay, convey, delay, dismay, display, freeway, Friday, halfway, hallway, highway, midway, Monday, Norway, obey, parkway, pathway, payday, railway, repay, replay, relay, runway, stairway, subway, Sunday, survey, Thursday, today, Tuesday, Saturday, Wednesday, weekday, workday, x-ray, hurray!, valentine's Day, holiday, everyday, bouquet, croquet, sleigh, driveway, chalet , ricochet,
- arrow, barrow, wheelbarrow, harrow, marrow, narrow, sparrow, taro
- art, cart, oxcart, storage cart, pushcart, chart, dart, fart, heart, mart, part, smart, start, tart, apart, restart,
- artist
- artwork, sales clerk, cirque, dirk, work
- Asia, aphasia,
- Ash, cash, crash, dash, flash, splash, eyelash, moustache, rash, mash, smash, clash, trash, potash,
- Ask, cask, mask, swim mask, oxygen mask, flask,
- asparagus
- aspirin
- wafer
- asphalt, salt, malt, cobalt, fault, halt, Vault, bank vault, basalt, rock salt, somersault
- asteroid, avoid, void, android, destroyed
- astronaut, bought, slingshot, caught, cot, dot, lot, got, snapshot, hot, knot, slot, parking lot, mail slot, not, teapot, spot, pot, pepper pot, flowerpot, crock pot, coffee pot, chimney pot, bald spot, rot, shot, tot, yacht, kilowatt, megawatt, apricot,
- brought, fought, sought, taught, thought, cosmonaut,
- ate, bait, debate, crate, pet crate, date, eight, twenty-eight, thirty-eight, forty-eight, fifty-eight, sixty-eight, seventy-eight, eighty-eight, ninety-eight, freight, gait, gate, liver pate, irrigate, grate, migrate, great, hate, Kate, late, plate, Isolate, slate, roommate, playmate, separate (vb), aspirate (vb), skate, roller skates, ice skates, state, straight, rotate, precipitate (vb), wait, weight, await, procrastinate, graduate (vb)
- athlete, wheat, treat, seat, safety seat, saddle, repeat, neat, meat, eat, cheat, beet, car seat, heat, feet, fleet, spreadsheet, sheet, street, sweet, tweet, parakeet, worksheet, secrete, reheat, receipt, petite, delete,
- atlas
- atmosphere, sphere, beer, clear, cheer, dear, deer, fear, gear, near, pier, rear, hemisphere, spear, steer, tear, year, cashier, engineer, frontier, cavalier, stratosphere, souvenir, volunteer, root beer, pioneer, Chandelier
- elderflower-cordial
- elder
- cuboid
- rosebud
- oval
- trowel
- attraction, subtraction, fraction, contraction, action, traction, reaction, transaction,
- audience
- auditorium, crematorium,
- august
- Australia
- Autumn, bottom
- Avocado, Colorado
- awesome!, blossom, possum
- awful, waffle,
- ax, axe, pickaxe, backs, acts, blacks, cracks, fax, flax, flapjacks, lax, max, packs, pax, sax, saxe, slacks, stacks, tax, wax, earwax, relax,
- baby, maybe
- baby chick, brick, wick, click, crick, flick, hick, kick, lick, Nick, pick, quick, Rick, sick, slick, stick, lipstick, fish stick, drumstick, chopstick, candle stick, broomstick, thick, tick, trick, joystick, toothpick, picnic
- back, yack, yak, black, clack, crack, flack, hack, shack, jack, lumberjack, knack, lack, pack, battery pack, backpack, plaque, rack, track, Spice Rack, cooling rack, bike rack, sack, sac, slack, snack, stack, tack, whack, wrack, attack, comeback, feedback, horseback, rucksack, soundtrack, leatherback, thumbtack, haystack, lilac
- blackboard, freeboard, bored, chord, cord, fjord, ford, hoard, lord, record, scored, sword, toward, afford, billboard, cardboard, chessboard, concord, keyboard, pegboard, scoreboard, skateboard, surfboard, springboard, ironing board, diving board, clipboard, chopping board, gourd, toward
- backward
- backyard, card, leotard , guard, hard, scarred, yard, brickyard, churchyard, courtyard, flashcard, postcard, night guard, lifeguard, chain guard, bodyguard, barnyard, front yard, lard, canard, graveyard, junkyard, credit card,
- bacteria, Syria, Nigeria, Siberia,
- badge, hajj.
- police, cease, crease, fleece, geese, grease, Greece, lease, niece, peace, piece, cerise, increase, obese
- Badger, cadger,
- badminton
- bag, brag, dag, drag, fag, flag, gag, hag, lag, mag, nag, rag, sag, shag, slag, snag, stag, tag, price tag, wag, handbag, sandbag, mailbag, trash bag, sleeping bag, shopping bag, punching bag, paper bag, bin bag, zig-zag, schoolbag, tea-bag
- bagel, poppy bagel, Sesame bagel
- baker, acre, breaker, faker, maker, coffeemaker, grill-maker, nacre, quaker, shaker, taker, filmmaker, glassmaker, dressmaker, icebreaker, salt shaker
- baking paper, caper, draper, raper, scraper, shaper, taper, vapor, flypaper, sandpaper, wallpaper, newspaper, toilet paper,
- balance, imbalance
- balcony
- bald, called, installed, galled, scald,
- ballon, gallon, talon, Alan
- balloon, hot air balloon, boon, croon, dune, goon, june, loon, moon, noon, spoon, soon, rune, tune, strewn, swoon, baboon, cocoon, cartoon, lagoon, maroon, raccoon, afternoon, dune, June, moon, noon, prune, rune, spoon, tablespoon, teaspoon, tune
- ban, Ann, can, clan, fan, flan, man, pan, plan, ran, san, tan, suntan, van, than, batman, milkman, saucepan, trash can, paint can, garbage can, snowman, jazzman, frogman, fisherman, paint pan, Grill Pan, frying pan, dustpan, less than, greater than, cyan
- fireman, policeman,
- banana, bandana, Anna, Santa, cabana, Montana, Louisiana
- band, bland, brand, gland, grand, hand, wash hand, shake hand, right hand, left hand, forehand, land, sand, stand, strand, tanned, quicksand, newsstand, headband, Nightstand
- bandage,
- magenta
- quinoa
- turquoise
- pepper,
- Tex-Mex
- Tarragon
- Sesame
- Paprika
- Marjoram
- Chipotle
- Cumin
- Condiments
- Cloves
- Cinnamon
- Caraway
- Basil
- Carapace
- bandura, pleura
- bank, blank, clank, crank, flank, hank, lank, plank, prank, rank, sank, shank, tank, thank, drank, piggy bank
- bar, are, car, tar, far, gar, jar, par, star, sitar, bazaar, cigar, guitar, electric guitar, jaguar, radar, rock star, handlebar, crossbar, candy bar, streetcar, sports car, scar, police car,
- barbecue, zoo, kangaroo, shampoo, boo, kazoo, you, thank you, who, view, clew, two, twenty-two, thirty-two, forty-two, fifty-two, sixty-two, seventy-two, eighty-two, ninety-two,
- twenty-two, true, to, through, threw, shoe, screw, moo, knew, hue, grew, glue, flu, few, cue, crew, coup, clue, tissue, chew, blue, yew, stew, statue, honeydew, dew, drew, tennis shoe, snowshoe, horseshoe, wood screw, machine screw, corkscrew, rescue, canoe, new, undo, peony
- barefoot, foot, put, soot, bigfoot, goosefoot, input, output,
- barn, yarn, harn,
- basketball player, soccer player, football player, layer, mayor, prayer, sprayer, bricklayer, taxpayer
- baseball cap, hubcap, cap, yap, crap, flap, frap, gap, hap, lap, nap, map, snap, zap, wrap, trap, plastic wrap, strap, town with map, clap, rap, tap,
- basement, placement,
- basket, casket, gasket, mascot, waste basket, storage basket, laundry basket, hanging basket, Easter basket
- drum, bum, crumb, come, chum, dumb, from, glum, gum, sum, bubble gum, mum, hum, plum, plumb, scum, some, thumb,
- bat, that, at, cat, brat, chat, fat, flat, hat, gat, mat, pat, rat, sat, combat, format, white cat, black cat, winter hat, sun hat, birthday hat, placemat, non-slip shower mat, thermostat
- bath, bubble bath, birdbath, math, path, bike path, wrath,
- bathe, sunbathe, re-bathe, lathe
- bathing suit, boot, swimsuit, suit, brute, chute, parachute, coot, cute, flute, pan flute, fruit, hoot, loot, root, mute, route, scoot, shoot, toot, grapefruit, star fruit, passion fruit, egg fruit, dragon fruit, dispute, minute, space suit
- bathrobe, globe, lobe, probe, strobe, wardrobe, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, earlobe, robe,
- bathroom, bloom, boom, broom, doom, flume, fume, gloom, groom, plume, room, spume, tomb, whom, zoom, bedroom, mushroom, living room, family room, classroom, loom, womb, washroom, perfume, lunchroom, costume, restroom, Playroom
- bathtub
- baton, bon, hexagon, con, non, on, swan, argon, axon, crayon, nylon, pion, upon, amazon, epsilon, octagon, pentagon, marathon, thereupon, Yukon,
- barrel
- Oregon
- drawn, gone, lawn, pawn, yawn, prawn, coupon, dawn, fawn
- bay window, dormer window, casement window, broken window
- beach, beech, bleach, breach, breech, each, leach, leech, preach, reach, speech, teach, peach, juicy peach, outreach
- umbrella, Stella, candela
- beacon, deacon, weaken, Mohican
- bead, bleed, breed, deed, feed, freed, greed, lead, need, plead, read, reed, seed, speed, weed, ragweed
- beak, bleak, cheek, clique, creak, creek, freak, geek, leak, leek, peak, peek, pique, reek, seek, sheik, sleek, sneak, speak, weak, week, antique, oblique, unique, once a week
- beam, cream, dream, scheme, scream, seem, steam, stream, team, theme, ice cream, redeem, whipping cream, sour cream, whipped cream, daydreams, daydream
- bean, clean, dean, green, jean, keen, lean, mean, mien, queen, scene, screen, seen, spleen, teen, caffeine, cuisine, hygiene, marine, routine, sardine, vaccine, between, gene, sheen, baleen, wide screen, string bean, green bean, jeans, blue jean, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, canteen, submarine, magazine, tambourine, tangerine, trampoline, Vaseline, wolverine, jellybeans , beans,
- bear cub, club, drub, dub, grub, hub, nub, pub, rub, scrub, shrub, snub, stub, sub, tub, nightclub, lion cub, cub, golf club, rose shrub
- beard, weird, smeared, sheared, feared, geared, goatee beard,
- beast, east, feast, least, priest, yeast, northeast, southeast,
- beautiful
- bed, bread, bred, dread, fed, fled, head, ted, forehead, led, bobsled, pled, read (v), red, shred, said, shed, sled, spread, thread, tread, wed, zed, hospital bed, dog bed
- bedbug, redbug
- bedtime, climb, mime, crime, dime, lime, slime, prime, rhyme, time, springtime, part-time, lunchtime, half time, thyme, enzyme, halftime, full-time, chime
- beetle
- beef, brief, chief, fief, leaf, reef, police chief, fire chief, thief
- beg, egg, keg, leg, meg, peg, nutmeg, golden egg, lower leg
- behind, bind, blind, find, fined, grind, kind, hind, lined, mind, mined, rind, wind,
- beige,
- bell, yell, bluebell, doorbell, barbell, cell, shell, seashell, spell, tell, well, swell, dwell, fell, gel, hell, smell, jell, quell, sell, carrousel, parallel, decibel, gazelle, hotel, motel, nutshell
- bell pepper, leper, chili pepper
- belly, deli, jelly, Kelly, smelly,
- belt, dealt, felt, melt, pelt, smelt, svelte, welt, sunbelt, Celt
- below, beau, blow, UFO, row, no, hoe, buffalo, doe, dough, cookie dough, flow, judo, floe, go, glow, grow, Joe, know, low, mow, owe, show, snow, slow, stow, though, throw, toe, tow, ago, bestow, chateau, crossbow, crow, elbow, banjo, borrow, cargo, coco, hello, kilo, meadow, metro, photo, rainbow, shadow, tiptoe, audio, commando, Eskimo, indigo, Mexico, overflow, radio, tornado, torpedo, clock radio, oregano, portfolio, sweet potato, tomato, tomorrow, pistachio, hot potato, white potato, New Mexico, piccolo, rodeo, sew, Idaho, willow
- bend, blend, end, fend, lend, mend, send, tend, trend, wend, amend, attend, boyfriend, descend, girlfriend, weekend, spend, pretend, friend, farm friend
- beneath, heath, sheath, teeth, wreath, underneath, sharp teeth, myelin sheath,
- bent, cent, dent, president, lent, meant, pent, rent, scent, sent, spent, tent, trent, vent, went, accent, cement, content, descent, event, invent, torment, unbent, consent,
- frequent, present, repent, segment,
- berry, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, blackberry, cherry, sour cherry. ferry, scary, very, February, January, dictionary, dromedary, bury, fairy, Jerry, Harry, hairy, Marry, secretary, library, gooseberry, vocabulary, obituary, itinerary, imaginary, involuntary, winter cherry, veterinary, tom & jerry, dietary, rosemary, mulberry, hackberry, canary, black cherry, Surinam cherry, monastery, cemetery, carry
- beside, bide, herbicide, bride, dried, dyed, fried, glide, guide, hide, lied, pride, ride, side, slide, tide, wide, two sides, outside, inside
- best, blest, chest, crest, guest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, addressed, arrest, bird’s nest, failed a test F, breast, blessed, dressed, fest, pressed, vest, west, wrest, skin test, blood test, detest, life vest,
- beverage
- bib, crib, glib, jib, nib, rib, spareribs,
- bibliography, biography, demography, geography, lithography, orthography,
- biceps, steps, triceps
- bicycle, icicle, tricycle,
- bid, did, grid, hid, kid, lid, rid, slid, skid, squid, forbid, eyelid, pyramid
- big, brig, dig, fig, gig, jig, pig, prig, rig, swig, trig, twig, wig, guinea pig, sprig
- biggest
- bilingual, lingual, monolingual
- bill, dollar bill, chill, dill, drill, fill, frill, gill, grill, hill, ill, windmill, treadmill, spill, sill, pill, kill, mill, shrill, skill, still, swill, thrill, trill, twill, will, advil, brazil, downhill, landfill, refill, daffodil, until,
- billfold, cold, unfold, fold, bold, hold, household, mold, old, marigold, ice-cold, rolled, scold, told, sold, gold,
- binoculars,
- bird, yellowbird, hummingbird, bluebird, blurred, curd, gird, heard, herd, nerd, slurred, third, word, absurd, catbird, crossword, snowbird,
- birthday party, party,
- biscuit, brisket
- bison
- bite, bright, byte, cite, fight, flight, height, kite, knight, light, traffic light, sunlight, stoplight, skylight, flashlight, might, night, quite, right, sight, site, sleight, slight, spite, white, tight, write, all right, fright, dynamite, campsite, daylight, frostbite, graphite, ignite, midnight, moonlight, snakebite, tonight, upright, Fahrenheit, invite, satellite
- bitter, glitter, twitter, sitter, fitter, knitter, litter, emitter, transmitter, babysitter, .
- blackcurrant, currant
- blanket
- blender, bender, gender, fender, lender, slender, render, sender, spender, splendor, tender, vendor, calendar, offender, surrender
- blimp, chimp, crimp, imp, limp, pimp, scrimp, shrimp,
- blink, brink, chink, clink, drink, fink, ink, link, pink, rink, shrink, sink, stink, think, sync, wink, zinc, ice rink
- blinker, drinker, sinker, thinker, winker
- blister, sister, mister, resister, resistor, stepsister, transistor, half-sister, twister
- blizzard, lizard, wizard
- blob, bob, cob, glob, gob, hob, job, knob, door knob, lob, slob, mob, rob, snob, sob, swab, corncob,
- blonde, blond, bond, fond, frond, pond, wand, beyond, respond,
- blood, bud, dud, flood, mud, scud, spud, stud, thud,
- bloodhound
- blouse, douse, house, mouse, spouse, playhouse, lighthouse, gingerbread house, dollhouse, doghouse, courthouse, clubhouse
- blow dryer, Pasta Dryer, hairdryer, dryer, buyer, choir, drier, dyer, flier, flyer, fryer, hire, liar, sire, tire, wire, campfire, flat tire, briar, lyre, pacifier, fire, umpire
- blow torch, porch, scorch
- blue ribbon, ribbon, gibbon,
- blue whale, orca whale, ail, ale, bail, stale, bale, brail, dale, fail, gale, hail, jail, hale, mail, male, nail, pail, pale, quail, rail, sail, sale, scale, tail, tale, trail, vale, wail, wale, snail, ponytail, mallet nail, fingernail, female, garage sale, cocktail, Celsius scale, Fahrenheit scale, Righter scale, ginger ale, toenail, veil, Braille, cattail
- blueprints
- bluff, rough, powder puff, handcuff, cuff, enough, snuff
- blurry, flurry, scurry, slurry,
- curry
- burry, furry, hurry, surrey, worry,
- board wood, could, good, hood, should, stood, would, firewood, greenwood, understood, redwood, childhood, plywood, neighborhood, zebrawood
- bobsleigh
- body, somebody, everybody
- bolt, colt, jolt, molt, volt, deadbolt, revolt, machine bolt,
- book, brook, cook, crook, hook, look, nook, rook, shook, took, notebook, textbook, overcook, storybook
- bookshelf, shelf, elf, self, herself, himself, itself, myself, oneself, yourself
- boomerang, bang, clang, fang, gang, hang, pang, rang, sang, slang, tang, mustang,
- booth, sooth, tooth, youth, phone booth
- boredom,
- bottle, spray bottle, Aristotle, throttle, mottle
- bottle cage, cage, age, gauge, page, rage, stage, wage
- bottle opener, can opener, roadrunner,
- bounce, flounce, ounce, pounce, announce, renounce, mispronounce,
- boundary
- bout, clout, doubt, drought, flout, gout, out, rout, snout, downspout, about, trout, time out, spout, shout, scout, pulled out, rear dropout, throughout
- bow, now, bough, brow, chough, cow, how, plow, scow, vow, wow, allow, eyebrow, chow, meow, snowplow,
- bow tie, tie, buy, by, I, cry, die, dye, eye, fly, Housefly , firefly, dragonfly, butterfly, fry, guy, high, hi, lie, lye, my, pie, shy, why, apply, good-bye, rabbi, supply, samurai, verify, thigh, magpie, cherry pie, bye, goodbye, try, spy, sky, July, magnify, pry, thereby, dry, sly
- bowl, coal, goal, foal, boll, roll, hole, knoll, mole, pole, poll, role, scroll, sole, soul, stole, stroll, troll, whole, charcoal, Whack-a-Mole, flagpole, casserole, oriole, remote control, cabbag roll
- box, tool box, tissue box, sandbox, mailbox, lunch box, letter box, blocks, clocks, docks, fox, locks, ox, rocks, socks, stocks, talks, gearbox, equinox, paradox, chatterbox
- boxer
- caramel
- celeriac
- boy, drummer boy, cowboy, joy, toy, riding toy, hoy!, ploy, bok choy, enjoy, destroy, deploy, Illinois
- straw, saw, power saw, handsaw, hacksaw, circular saw, draw, paw, law, slaw, sister-in-law, jaw, bear claw, bear paw, chainsaw, claw, flaw, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, thaw, Utah, macaw, fretsaw, bra
- Arkansas
- bracelet
- braces, faces, traces, cases, bases,
- bracket, racket, racquet,
- jacket, packet, life jacket, sport jacket, yellow jacket
- brake cable, able, label, sable, stable, table, card table, enable, disable, roundtable, pool table, unable, gable
- branch, blanch, ranch, avalanche,
- brave, cave, crave, gave, grave, pave, rave, save, shave, slave, waive, wave, microwave, concave, engrave
- breakfast
- breathe, teethe
- breeze, bees, cheese, fees, freeze, keys, knees, please, sees, sneeze, squeeze, tease, trees, cream cheese, Chinese, deep freeze, Swiss cheese, mac & cheese, cheddar cheese, parentheses, these, trapeze, parmesan cheese
- Tramway,
- Tricycle
- bridge, fridge, ridge, alveolar ridge, drawbridge
- bristles,
- British Columbia,
- God, squad, sod, tripod, pod, odd, cod, nod, fishing rod, facade, plod, prod,
- Broad, fraud, abroad,
- broccoli
- broken, spoken, token, heartbroken,
- bronco
- bra
- bronze medal, silver medal, medal, gold medal, pedal, brake pedal, peddle, meddle
- brother, half-brother, mother, other, rather, smother, another, grandmother, stepmother,
- brown, clown, crown, down, drown, frown, noun, town, downtown, pronoun, gown,
- brownie, townie
- bruise, blues, booze, choose, cruise, cruse, cues, fuse, lose, moos, muse, news, screws, shoes, snooze, whose, views, accuse,
- brush, toilet brush, steel brush, scrub brush, paintbrush, crush, flush, plush, slush, rush, mush, hush, gush
- toothbrush,
- bubble, double, trouble, rubble, stubble,
- bucket
- bug, litterbug, lightning bug, ladybug, hug, dug, drug, jug, mug, plug, rug, shrug, slug, smug, snug, tug, humbug, unplug, spark plug, lug,
- build, billed, filled, frilled, killed, grilled, fulfilled,
- builder,
- bulb
- buttock
- bull, full, pull, wool, steel wool, spoonful
- bulldog, dog, log, bullfrog, hotdog, leapfrog, sea dog, sled dog, prairie dog, lost dog, hound dog, chili hot-dog, sheepdog
- bog, clog, jog, fog, flog, frog, hog, hedgehog, groundhog, slog, smog,
- bulldozer, composer, poser, dozer
- bulletproof, goof, hoof, spoof, woof, poof, roof, fireproof, waterproof
- bull-nose pliers, fires, wires, tires, needle-nose pliers, snips pliers,
- bump, chump, dump, hump, jump, trump, long jump, plump, insulin pump, pump, rump, high jump, stump, lump,
- sirloin
- bun, twenty-one, thirty-one, forty-one, fifty-one, sixty-one, seventy-one, eighty-one, ninety-one, done, dun, fun, gun, spray gun, glue gun, no one, none, nun, one, run, fast run, pun, spun, shun, son, stun, sun, ton, won, anyone, everyone, grandson, home run, stepson
- brunch, crunch, hunch, lunch, punch, scrunch, fruit punch
- bunk, chunk, clunk, drunk, dunk, flunk, hunk, junk, monk, plunk, punk, shrunk, skunk, spunk, sunk, trunk,
- bunny, funny, honey, money, runny, sunny,
- burglar
- buried, married,
- burn, turn, stern, learn, take turn, return, earn, fern, yearn, concern, discern, heartburn, sunburn, urn
- bus, school bus, buss, cuss, fuss, plus, pus, thus, us, discuss,
- bus stop, stop, bop, chop, cop, pop, crop, drop, flop, hop, fop, mop, prop, shop, top, slop, sop, strop, swap, desktop, eavesdrop, laptop, raindrop, raindrops, sponge mop, flip-flops, tank top, lollipop, mountaintop, gumdrop,
- bus station, rotation, nation, citation, creation, foundation, migration, plantation, salvation, sedation, starvation, vacation, vibration, amputation, animation, train station, subway station, police station, metro station, gas station, fire station, calculation, station, celebration, conversation, duration, dictation, formation, inflation, transportation, respiration, renovation, relaxation, occupation, multiplication, medication, location, graduation
- bush, push, rosebush
- butter, peanut butter, clutter, cutter, gutter, flutter, shutter, stutter, utter, pipe cutter, wire cutter
- buttercup, cup, pup, sup, up, yup, teacup, measuring cup, coffee cup, pick up, grew up, setup, pickup, makeup, checkup
- buttocks
- button, mutton, Sutton, glutton
- buzz, does, fuzz, abuzz,
- cab, crab, dab, drab, fab, flab, gab, grab, jab, lab, scab, nab, slab, stab, tab, taxicab, sand crab, king crab
- cabbage
- cactus, practice,
- candle, handle, sandal, scandal,
- canister
- calf, chaff, gaff, gaffe, graph, half, laugh, staff, giraffe, paragraph, photograph, telegraph
- calligraphy
- carpet
- calm, balm, bomb, com, palm, prom, tom, mom,
- came, aim, blame, claim, fame, flame, game, frame, name, same, lame, shame, tame, card game, last name, first name, became, surname, window frame
- camel, mammal, trammel, enamel,
- camera, samara,
- camp, amp, champ, clamp, cramp, damp, gamp, lamp, ramp, stamp, tamp, tramp, postage stamp, rubber stamp, c-clamp, urn lamp
- Canadian,
- Candy, bandy, brandy, dandy, handy, randy, sandy
- Canine, brine, dine, fine, line, time line, recline, hairline, goal line, finish line, mine, combine, nine, twenty-nine, thirty-nine, forty-nine, fifty-nine, sixty-nine, seventy-nine, eighty-nine, ninety-nine,pine, shine, sunshine, shrine, sign, spine, sine, swine, tine, valentine, Clementine, trine, twine, vine, grapevine, wine, airline, design, feline, goldmine, online, pipeline, skyline,
- Cantaloupe, cope, dope, grope, hope, lope, mope, nope, pope, rope, scope, slope, soap, tope, elope, green soap, endoscope, gyroscope, microscope, periscope, stethoscope, telescope, antelope, envelope, jump rope, liquid soap, laundry soap, hand soap,
- Capitalize, cries, eyes, flies, fries, hypnotize, French fries, guys, lies, pies, prize, rise, size, spies, ties, tries, wise, arise, baptize, clockwise, downsize, resize, revise, supplies, cleaning supplies, butterflies, fertilize, surprise, small size, exercise
- carpenter
- carrier, barrier, terrier, harrier, mail carrier, fox terrier,
- carrot, parrot, carat, ferret, karat, merit, demerit, inherit,
- caterpillar, filler, killer, miller, pillar, tiller, distiller, painkiller,
- cat food, brood, crude, dude, feud, glued, mood, nude, prude, rood, rude, screwed, stewed, viewed, tray of food, junk food, dog food, Chinese food, latitude, longitude, altitude, seafood,
- catalog
- catch, batch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, attach, detach, dispatch,
- matches
- cathedral
- cauliflower, bower, cower, dour, flour, flower, glower, hour, power, our, shower, sour, tower, sunflower, wildflower, half hour, watchtower
- causal, nozzle,
- cellule
- cardigan
- Celsius
- Center, enter, renter,
- century
- cereal, bacterial, imperial, material, raw material,
- certificate
- champion,
- channel, panel, flannel, solar panel,
- charge, barge, large, discharge, enlarge, recharge,
- charger
- clarity, parity, rarity, verity, dexterity, disparity, prosperity, charity
- coif, cough quaff,
- check off, doff, trough, scoff, drop-off, cutoff, kickoff, playoff, takeoff, off, payoff,
- checkers,
- cheerleaders, leaders,
- cheetah, pita, Rita, margarita,
- chef, clef, deaf,
- cherries, berries,
- chess, bless, less, dress, wedding dress, guess, mess, stress, press, garlic-press, yes, ness, address, compress, excess, progress, success, undress, recess, regress,
- chicken, sicken, stricken, thicken
- chicken nugget,
- child, filed, mild, piled, smiled, styled, wild, exiled, grandchild, stepchild,
- children, grandchildren
- chili, Billy, lily, silly, shrilly, Willie, sea lily, Easter lily, chilly
- chimes, oftentimes, wind chimes, enzymes, sometimes,
- chimney
- chimpanzee, pansy, tansy,
- chin, bin, double chin, tin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, inn, kin, min, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, thin, twin, win, begin, kingpin, within, violin, mandolin, rolling pin, Lynn, sheepskin
- horizon,
- fins, twins
- chipmunk
- chip, potato chip, microchip, clip, slip, blip, dip, drip, flip, grip, hip, kip, lip, nip, pip, rip, ship, sip, skip, snip, strip, tip, trip, zip, yip, cruise ship, spaceship, warship, membership, ownership, paper clip, friendship, flagship
- chisel,
- chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate
- choice, Joyce, voice, rejoice,
- chorus
- eddo
- chose, doze, froze, goes, hose, knows, lows, nose, pose, pros, prose, rose, shows, toes, throws, those, throes, arose, bulldoze, compose, expose, meadows, garden hose, primrose, pantyhose
- shallow, hallow, marshmallow,
- chrysanthemum
- chubby, scrubby,
- chuck, buck, cluck, duck, luck, muck, pluck, puck, schmuck, struck, stuck, truck, tuck, dump truck, good luck, garbage truck, fire truck, yuck,
- church, search, birch, research,
- cymbalom
- circle, encircle, semicircle
- circus
- citizen, senior citizen
- city, pity, pretty, kitty, ditty, witty, committee,
- clam, am, bam, cam, cram, dam, yam, damn, gram, ham, jam, lam, ram, Sam, scam, spam, slam, tam, tram, engram, program, diagram, diaphragm, hologram, kilogram, milligram, telegram, traffic jam, electrocardiogram, exam, jamb, lamb, anagram, swam
- cleaning cloth, cloth, washcloth, tablecloth, sail cloth, dishcloth, broth, froth, moth, bee moth, gypsy moth,
- cliff, biff, if, riff, sniff, stiff, tiff, hieroglyph,
- clinic, cynic
- clipper, chipper, dipper, flipper, kipper, nipper, ripper, shipper, sipper, skipper, slipper, stripper, tipper, tripper, zipper, wire stripper
- close to,
- closed
- closet, posit, opposite, composite, deposit,
- clothe, loathe,
- clothespin
- cloud, overcrowd, allowed, aloud, bowed, cowed, crowd, loud, plowed, proud, shroud,
- cloudy, howdy,
- clover, drover, over, rover, hangover, layover, leftover, moreover, four-leaf clover, cover
- clunker, bunker, dunker, spelunker, younker,
- cluster, buster, duster, bluster, luster, muster, adjuster, filibuster,
- coach, broach, poach, roach, approach, cockroach, reproach, stagecoach
- cobweb, web, spider web, ebb,
- coconut, but, butt, cut, doughnut, glut, gut, hut, jut, mutt, nut, putt, rut, shut, smut, strut, what, chestnut, haircut, rebut, shortcut, somewhat, uncut, walnut, cashew nut, hazelnut, donut
- coffee, toffee,
- coin, join, groin, loin, adjoin, enjoin, rejoin, tenderloin,
- coke, bloke, broke, choke, cloak, croak, folk, joke, oak, poke, soak, stoke, woke, yolk, cork oak, egg yolk, provoke, revoke, white oak, artichoke, yoke, stroke, spoke, smoke
- colander
- collage
- collapse, caps, craps, flaps, gaps, maps, scraps, traps, elapse, perhaps,
- caller, crawler, trawler, smaller, mauler, hauler,
- collar, scholar, holler, dollar, dog collar, sand dollar
- color, duller, watercolor, multicolor,
- collision, vision, decision, incision, division, night vision, precision, cell division, television
- colorful
- colorless
- column, slalom, solemn
- comb, chrome, dome, foam, gnome, home, loam, ohm, roam, tome, genome, syndrome, catacomb, chromosome, x chromosome, y chromosome, , honeycomb
- comedy
- comma, drama, lama, llama, mama, momma, pajama,
- trauma
- Alabama
- compass
- computer, hooter, looter, neuter, scooter, shooter, tutor, commuter, recruiter, microcomputer, router, desktop computer,
- conclusion, fusion, allusion, collusion, confusion, contusion, delusion, diffusion, exclusion, illusion, inclusion, infusion, occlusion, transfusion, optical illusion, coronary occlusion,
- minimum, maximum, condominium,
- confident
- conjunction, function,
- connection, flexion, section, collection, connection, correction, detection, ejection, injection, inspection, selection, intersection, cardinal direction, reflection, election
- consonant
- consequence, inconsequence
- continent
- continue, discontinue,
- contrast, blast, cast, fast, last, mast, vast, passed, past, forecast, outcast,
- cookie
- cool, drool, fool, mule, pool, rule, school, spool, stool, tool, preschool, step stool, whirlpool, April fool, minuscule, molecule, power tool, ridicule, high school, primary school, swimming pool, Footstool
- cooler, jeweler, ruler,
- coop, coupe, group, droop, loop, loupe, poop, sloop, snoop, soup, stoop, stoup, swoop, troop, troupe, whoop, scoop, hula hoop, hoop
- coral, choral, floral, moral, oral, quarrel, sorrel, immoral,
- cork, fork, pork, stork, torque, pitch fork, garden fork, New York
- corner
- cotton, gotten, rotten, forgotten,
- couch, crouch, grouch, pouch, slouch, vouch, cheek pouch, ouch
- count, mount, account, amount, discount, recount, bank account,
- country, cross-country
- couple, supple,
- cousin, doesn’t, dozen,
- cover letter, letter, sweater
- coyote,
- cracker, backer, hacker, lacquer, packer, slacker, tracker, whacker, attacker, hijacker, nutcracker, firecracker
- cradle, ladle,
- cranium, titanium, uranium,
- crank set, handset,
- credit, edit,
- crescent, fluorescent, adolescent, effervescent, incandescent,
- cricket, ticket, wicket, parking ticket,
- criminal
- crimson
- crispy, wispy,
- crystal, distal, pistol, pistil,
- Crunchy, bunchy
- Bunch of grapes
- corn grains
- Crust, bust, dust, gust, just, lust, must, rust, thrust, trust, adjust, disgust, robust, unjust, pizza crust
- Crutch, clutch, hutch, much, such, touch,
- Cube, rube, tube, boob, ice cube, seat tube, head tube
- Cucumber,
- Cuddle, muddle, puddle,
- Cupid,
- Curl, burl, earl, girl, hurl, pearl, swirl, twirl, whirl, uncurl,
- Curly, early, pearly, surly,
- Current, weren’t, concurrent, recurrent, ocean current,
- cursive
- curtain, certain, uncertain, shower curtain
- curve, nerve, serve, swerve, conserve, deserve, observe, preserve, reserve, optic nerve
- cushion
- cylinder,
- riveter
- cymbal, symbol, nimble, thimble
- daddy, paddy, shower caddy, tea caddy,
- daisy, crazy, hazy, lazy,
- dance, chance, France, glance, lance, prance, stance, trance, advance, expanse, finance, romance,
- dancer, answer, cancer, lancer,
- dandelion, lion, ion, scion, Hawaiian, mountain lion, see lion, napping lion
- All-Bran-Flakes, cereals, Cheerios, Corn-Flakes, Raisin-Bran, Rice-Krispies, Special-K
- dangerous
- dwarf,
- daughter, blotter, cotter, hotter, water, otter, potter, plotter, spotter, swatter, totter, underwater, granddaughter, stepdaughter, fly swatter
- death, breath,
- December, member, ember, November, remember, September
- Defense, fence, dense, incense, recompense, condense, expense, immense, intense, offense, sense, tense,
- Definition, mission, addition, admission, emission, ignition, magician, nutrition, musician, optician, petition, physician, position, technician, tuition, deglutition, demolition, exhibition, electrician
- Delicious, vicious, ambitious, nutritious, suspicious,
- den, Ben, fen, gen, hen, then, ken, men, pen, ten, when, again, fountain pen, playpen, amen
- dentist, Adventist,
- depth
- desk, grotesque,
- detective, collective, effective, objective, protective, selective, subjective, retrospective, ineffective,
- dialysis, analysis, paralysis,
- Dialysis Machine, washing machine, kidney machine
- diamond
- diaper, hyper, piper, sniper, striper, viper, wiper, bagpiper, windshield wiper
- Dice, ice, price, mice, nice, rice, slice, spice, splice, twice, vice, vise, advice, allspice, concise, device, pack ice, precise, suffice, imprecise, paradise, overprice,
- Different, indifferent,
- Dimple, simple, wimple, pimple,
- Dinner, inner, sinner, spinner, thinner, winner, beginner, paint thinner,
- splinter, sprinter, winter, printer, splitter,
- Diploma, coma, Roma, aroma, glaucoma, Oklahoma
- Dirty,
- Disappointed, pointed, appointed,
- Dish, fish, wish, catfish, dogfish, goldfish, shellfish, tuna fish, butterfly fish, satellite dish, crayfish, starfish, needlefish, jellyfish, guppy fish, flatfish
- dish towels, bowels, vowels
- dishrag
- dishwasher, washer, kosher,
- disinfectant wipes, pipes, stripes, pan pipes
- disk, bisque, brisk, disc, risk, whisk,
- distance, assistance, resistance,
- diver, driver, arriver, survivor, screwdriver, truck driver
- dizzy, busy, fizzy, tizzy,
- doctor, proctor,
- document
- doll buggy, muggy,
- dolphin
- door knocker, blocker, locker, stocker, soccer, shocker, rocker, mocker, laugher,
- stalker, walker, talker,
- starboard,
- hull, skull, dull, null, mull, seagull,
- draft, aft, craft, draught, graft, haft, raft, aircraft, handcraft, spacecraft, witchcraft,
- gunwale,
- doorstep, pep, schlep, step, footstep,
- dragon, wagon,
- drainpipe, gripe, hype, ripe, snipe, stripe, swipe, tripe, wipe, bagpipe, genotype, unripe, type,
- drapes, grapes, shapes,
- dresser, hairdresser, lesser, aggressor, depressor, professor, successor, processor, food processor, compressor, tongue depressor
- dribble, dibble, nibble, scribble, sibyl
- drip edge, edge, straightedge, pledge, hedge,
- dropper, chopper, shopper, grasshopper, stopper
- drummer, comer, hummer, plumber, summer,
- sledgehammer, jackhammer
- centurion, durian
- funnel, tunnel,
- dusk, brusque, husk, musk,
- eagle, illegal, regal,
- ear, bier, hear, here, weir, musketeer, we’re,
- disappear, appear
- earth, birth, worth, childbirth,
- eave, leave, grieve, eve, sleeve, thieve, we’ve, believe, receive,
- eel, deal, feel, heal, heel, keel, kneel, meal, peal, peel, reel, seal, spiel, steel, steal, wheal, wheel, cornmeal, genteel, ideal, oatmeal, waterwheel, steering wheel, pinwheel, hot glockenspiel, veal
- eerie, bleary, cheery, theory, weary, Lake Erie,
- egg slicer, nicer, splicer,
- Egypt
- eighty, Haiti, weighty
- eject, wrecked, checked, correct, direct, defect, collect, insect, object, select, protect, suspect, reflect, intersect, decked, connect, project, inject, respect, reelect
- elastic, fantastic, drastic, sarcastic, enthusiastic, plastic, gymnastic, mastic
- electric organ, organ
- electricity, toxicity,
- elephant
- eleven, heaven, seven, twenty-seven, thirty-seven, forty-seven, fifty-seven, sixty-seven, seventy-seven, eighty-seven, ninety-seven,
- elk
- embassy
- embarrassment
- emerald
- emergency, urgency,
- employee
- empty
- energy
- England, Finland
- enormous
- entrance
- envelop, develop
- epidermis, Thermos,
- equal, sequel, unequal,
- equipment, shipment,
- eraser, bracer, tracer, racer,
- Ernie, journey
- European, Korean, Caribbean,
- every
- excitement, indictment
- exclamation point, joint, checkpoint, hip joint,
- frost, tossed, lost, defrost, low-cost
- experiment
- explosion, corrosion, erosion, implosion,
- explosive, plosive, corrosive, erosive,
- extra
- eyeglasses, classes, glasses, sunglasses
- eyelashes, flashes,
- factory, olfactory,
- Fahrenheit
- Faint, paint, saint, complaint, oil paint, repaint, finger-paint, roller paint
- family
- farmer, armor, body armor,
- father, bother, grandfather, godfather,
- faucet,
- fearless,
- even
- extinguisher
- feather, heather, leather, weather, nether, cold weather, together,
- feminine
- fetch, etch, ketch, stretch, wretch,
- Fiddle, riddle, middle, griddle
- Fifty,
- filament
- film, microfilm,
- finger, forefinger, linger, ring finger, little finger, index finger, middle finger,
- finish, diminish,
- fire fighter, writer, tighter, lighter, miter,
- fireworks, works,
- first, burst, cursed, worst, thirst,
- fissure, fisher, kingfisher,
- fist, list, mist, twist, wrist, checklist, exist, resist,
- fix, bricks, kicks, mix, pix, sticks, ticks, tricks, chopsticks, crucifix, six, twenty-six, thirty-six, forty-six, fifty-six, sixty-six, seventy-six, eighty-six, ninety-six,
- flamingo, bingo, dingo, gringo,
- flashbulb
- flavor, favor, saver, savor,
- flounder, founder,
- fluffy, puffy,
- focus, locus,
- foggy, soggy
- follow, hollow, swallow,
- Fondue Forks
- forceps
- forest, rainforest,
- forever, clever, ever, never, endeavor, however, whoever,
- formula
- forty, sporty,
- forward, straightforward,
- fossils
- foster family
- font
- fountain, mountain
- fracture, manufacture,
- fragile, agile
- antiperspirant
- cyclist
- fragment
- freckles, shekels
- freezer, squeezer, Caesar, lemon squeezer
- French toast, most, ghost, host, roast, observation post, seacoast, foremost, almost, toast
- Fresh, flesh, mesh, refresh,
- Front, water front, hunt, affront, grunt, blunt,
- fruit salad, ballad, pallid, valid,
- fudge, budge, judge, nudge,
- fund, stunned, refund, rotund,
- fur, blur, bur (burr), cur, her, fir, myrrh, purrrr, slur, stir, were, prefer, amateur, chauffeur, concur, liqueur,
- transfer
- furniture,
- fussy
- future, suture,
- fuzzy, muzzy,
- galaxy
- gala melon, watermelon, felon, Helen, honey melon
- garage, massage, sabotage, heart massage, camouflage, montage, mirage, barrage,
- garbage, cartridge,
- garbanzo
- garden, pardon,
- gardener
- Kenya, gardenia
- garlic
- garlic crusher,
- garnet
- gas, bass, brass, class, glass, grass, pass, mass, magnifying glass, hourglass, trespass, plexiglass, pumping gas, spyglass
- gazebo,
- gecko, echo,
- general
- genie, teeny, bikini, linguine, martini, fettuccine, spaghettini, tortellini, zucchini, capellini
- genre
- non-verbal, verbal, herbal,
- gerbil,
- germ, firm, term, bookworm, earthworm, midterm, squirm, worm,
- gigantic, antic, Atlantic, romantic,
- panic, botanic, mechanic, organic, volcanic, titanic, oceanic,
- gift, drift, lift, rift, shift, sift, thrift, airlift, night shift, shoplift, ski lift
- gypsum
- ginger, injure,
- give, live, forgive, relive,
- glacier
- gladiolus, bolus
- glamorous
- glider, cider, rider, spider, wider, red spider
- glimmer, dimmer, trimmer, swimmer,
- glossary
- glowworm
- goalkeeper, beeper, creeper, keeper, sleeper, bookkeeper, beekeeper, gatekeeper, housekeeper, zoo keeper
- goalie, coli, holy, slowly, ravioli, gladioli
- goblet
- goggles
- goldsmith, myth, locksmith, blacksmith, goldsmith, monolith,
- scythe,
- scallion, medallion, stallion,
- with,
- fifth
- golf
- golfer
- gong, dong, wrong, song, strong, long, belong, mahjong, ping-pong, thong, prong, Toaster Tong, tong, along,
- gooey, buoy, life buoy
- gopher, loafer,
- shofar,
- gorilla, villa, chinchilla, vanilla,
- graffiti, sweetie,
- grandma
- grandparents, parents
- grand piano, piano, soprano,
- gravity, cavity, nasal cavity, oral cavity,
- gravy, navy,
- groceries
- groove, move, prove, remove,
- guilt, built, gilt, hilt, jilt, kilt, milt, silt, tilt, wilt, rebuilt, quilt
- gulp, pulp, wood pulp,
- gustative
- gym, swim, him, dim, grim, hymn, limb, prim, skim, slim, trim, vim, phantom limb, synonym, rim,
- gymnast
- hairstylist
- hamburger, beef burger,
- hamper, camper, damper, pamper, scamper, miliampere,
- hand soap dispenser, censor, sensor, tensor,
- hand towel, bowel, vowel, towel, bath towel, tea towel, paper towel, kitchen towel,
- harness
- snowy owl, scowl, owl, cowl, foul, fowl, growl, howl, jowl, prowl,
- handkerchief,
- handprint, flint, lint, footprint, reprint, glint, hint, splint, sprint, fingerprint, peppermint, print, blueprint
- hanger, hangar, ganger, banger,
- happy, snappy,
- croft, loft, Microsoft, soft
- harmonica
- harp, sharp, carp
- hatchet, ratchet,
- header, cheddar, spreader,
- healthy diet, riot, quiet,
- hyacinth, labyrinth,
- striate,
- heavy, chevy,
- helicopter,
- helmet
- help, yelp, kelp,
- hero, zero, biro,
- healthy, unhealthy
- hieroglyphics
- high-pressure, fresher, refresher
- hiker, striker
- hippo
- history, mystery,
- hoe
- hopscotch, scotch, butterscotch, topnotch, wristwatch, watch, notch, stopwatch, crotch, botch,
- horizontal, periodontal,
- horse, bourse, coarse, course, force, source, Morse, divorce, workforce, racehorse, seahorse,
- hospital, skittle , little,
- huge, scrooge, centrifuge, stooge,
- hungry
- hunting knife, knife, fife, life, rife, wife, strife, housewife, midwife, shelf life, wildlife, penknife
- husband
- hydrant
- hippopotamus
- icon,
- idea, Korea,
- identical,
- tentacle,
- igloo
- into ,
- onto
- fauna, sauna,
- marijuana, iguana
- inch, chinch, cinch, clinch, finch, flinch, pinch, lynch, winch, goldfinch,
- inchworm,
- incisor, visor, riser, Kaiser, divisor, advisor,
- index
- Indian
- Indifference, difference,
- infant
- international, national, rational, irrational,
- introduction, suction, abduction, construction, deduction, instruction,
- iris, virus,
- Ireland
- Icing, slicing,
- Okra
- almond
- Iron, soldering iron
- Island, Rhode Island, Prince Edward Island
- Itch, stitch, ditch, glitch, hitch, kitsch, niche, rich, switch, witch, twitch, pitch, sandwich, which
- Itchy, Lychee,
- jack-o' lantern
- jackrabbit, habit, rabbit,
- janitor
- jealous
- jewelry
- jogger,
- journalist
- juggle, struggle, smuggle,
- juicy, Lucy,
- jumper, bumper,
- jungle
- karate, potty,
- kayak,
- kayaker
- chestnut kernel
- ketchup
- miss, kiss, bliss, this, abyss
- kitchen
- kitten, bitten, written, handwritten, piton, mitten,
- kiwi
- Kleenex,
- knife sharpener, sharpener
- knuckle, buckle, chuckle,
- koala, corolla, impala, amygdale,
- laboratory, story, storey, glory, auditory, dormitory, lavatory, observatory,
- ladder, bladder, stepladder,
- lady, shady,
- language
- lantern
- latter, scatter, platter, hatter, ratter, flatter, chatter, batter, matter,
- laundry
- lawn mower, blower, lower, slower,
- employer, destroyer, foyer,
- lawyer
- leash,
- leaves
- left, theft, cleft, heft,
- leisure, treasure, pleasure, measure, tape measure,
- seizure
- lemon
- length, strength,
- leopard, shepherd,
- lesion, adhesion, cohesion
- lettuce,
- level, devil, revel, dust devil, low-level, high-level,
- licorice
- light bulb
- linoleum
- lioness, minus, sinus,
- liquid
- listen,
- frisson,
- load, mode, road, node, rode, toad, toed, bar code, bestowed, cathode, crossroad, corrode, diode, explode, main road, railroad, zip code, color code,
- loaf,
- lobster, mobster,
- locomotive, motive, emotive, automotive,
- locust, focused,
- log cabin
- longest, strongest,
- lotion, motion, notion, ocean, potion, emotion, promotion, arctic ocean, Antarctic ocean, Atlantic ocean, Indian ocean, pacific ocean,
- loudspeaker, speaker, sneaker, beaker,
- luggage,
- lumber, cumber, number, slumber, phone number, cardinal number, natural number, rational number, irrational number,
- luxurious,
- macaroni, boney, crony, phony, tony, baloney, cow pony, pepperoni, rigatoni, testimony,
- mackerel
- magnet
- magnify
- majorette
- majority, authority, minority, priority, sorority
- mallet,
- pallet, ballot, palate, palette, soft palate, hard palate, cleft palate,
- shallot
- mammoth
- magnolia, mongolia
- mandarin
- mango, tango,
- Manitoba
- Many, any, penny,
- plenty, twenty,
- Maraca,
- Marten, carton,
- alpaca,
- Marble, garble,
- margarine
- masculine
- masher, crasher, flasher,
- mason
- meatloaf
- medicine,
- medium
- memory
- menorah, aura, flora, torah, Angora, Pandora,
- message
- messy
- metal, kettle, petal, settle, nettle
- metallic, italic, vocalic,
- milk, silk, buttermilk,
- mineral
- minister, administer,
- mirror, clearer, nearer
- mixer, elixir, hand-mixer
- mixture, fixture,
- moccasins
- molar, bowler, polar, roller, solar, stroller, controller, patroller, steamroller
- mommy, swami, tsunami, salami, pastrami,
- month
- mosque,
- mosquito, burrito
- harvester
- kiosk,
- motorcycle, cycle, Michael, life cycle, recycle, unicycle,
- mouth, south,
- wash, mouthwash, bosh, gosh, posh, squash, slosh, tosh, galosh, goulash,
- movie, groovy,
- muddy, study, bloody,
- muffin,
- muscle, hustle, Russell, rustle,
- muscular,
- museum, coliseum,
- music
- mustard, bustard, clustered, custard,
- myopia, utopia, amblyopia, Ethiopia, hypermetropia,
- nacho, macho
- napkins
- natural
- neck, beck, check, deck, fleck, peck, spec, sec, tech, trek, Aztec, Quebec, high-tech, low-tech, paycheck, rain check, wreck
- nectarine
- needle, beadle,
- negative
- nightgown
- positive,
- neighbor,
- nephew
- nervous, service, postal service,
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Next, apex, perplex, latex, duplex, complex, annex, text, rex, sex, hex, flex, checks, vertex
- Nickel, trickle, tickle, sickle, pickle, fickle,
- nightingale
- ninety
- noisy
- noodles
- north, forth, fourth, and so forth, back and forth,
- Northwest Territories
- Nostril,
- Nova Scotia
- Nucleus, nuclei
- nugget
- Nunavut
- Nurse, verse, universe, purse, reverse, rehearse, inverse, immerse, worse, curse,
- oboe, hobo,
- October, sober
- Octopus, platypus, puss
- Office, post office
- older, folder, holder, molder, shoulder, unsolder, toothbrush holder, toilet paper holder
- oldest
- olive
- one hundred, two hundred
- thousand
- one trillion, billion, million, pavilion,
- onion
- Ontario
- open
- opera
- option, adoption
- orange
- orator
- orbit
- orchids
- ornaments
- ostrich
- oven, coven
- package
- paddle, saddle
- panda, Amanda, propaganda, Uganda, veranda,
- papaya, via, Gaia, Maia, Maya,
- panther
- parallelogram
- paramedic, medic,
- parsley
- paste, based, waste, waist, taste, erased, toothpaste,
- patience
- puttee, putty
- pattern, Saturn,
- pause, clause, jaws, laws, paws, because, applause,
- cause, was
- peaceful,
- peek-a-boo
- pelican
- pencil, tensile, utensil
- penguin
- period, myriad
- perpendicular, particular,
- persimmon, women,
- photographer, biographer, demographer, geographer, audio biographer
- pheasant
- picture
- pigeon, religion
- piglet
- violet, islet,
- pilot
- piquant,
- pirate
- pizza
- planet, granite, pomegranate
- plantain, canton
- plastic container, planer, strainer, trainer, complainer, tea strainer, storage container
- platform, dorm, form, storm, warm, dust storm, thunderstorm, hailstorm, ice storm, rainstorm, snowstorm, sandstorm, uniform, swarm
- plunger
- plural, rural, mural,
- pocket, socket, rocket, sprocket
- police officer
- pollution, solution, evolution, execution, revolution,
- polo, cocobolo
- yellow, jello, mellow, morello, cello,
- pomelo
- popsicle
- portative
- parsnip
- positive
- postage
- potatoes, tomatoes,
- power sander, salamander, coriander, commander, gander, candor,
- prefix
- panties
- pretzel,
- prince, mince, quince, rinse, since, convince,
- princess
- principal, principle,
- prism, ism, autism, racism, tourism, aphorism, mechanism, organism, astigmatism,
- prison
- probability, agility, hostility, mobility, senility, utility
- product
- problem
- propeller, cellar, dweller, seller, stellar, storyteller
- tractor, protractor, actor, factor, contractor, reactor, compactor
- provinces
- pom- pom
- shorts
- sweatband
- tuxedo
- Loonie, Toonie
- pugilist
- pulley, bully, fully, wooly,
- pumpkin
- pupil,
- puppy, guppy,
- purple
- push-ups, cups, ups,
- puzzle, guzzle, muzzle, nuzzle,
- python
- quarter, mortar, porter, shorter, sorter, importer, exporter, reporter, supporter,
- question, session, cession, aggression, confession, profession, facial expression,
- quiz, biz, fizz, his, is, wiz,
- radish, horseradish,
- rainy, brainy, grainy, seine, zany
- raisin, blazon,
- rarely, barely,
- rattle, battle, cattle,
- raven,
- razor, laser,
- ready, steady, teddy, already,
- recipe
- recital, title, vital, subtitle,
- rectangle
- register
- regular, irregular,
- relative
- relish, sweet relish
- residence,
- response, sconce,
- rhino
- rhinoceros
- rickshaw, kickshaw,
- tofu
- rigid, frigid,
- ripple, cripple, fipple, nipple, triple, participle, spoke nipple
- rival, arrival, revival, survival,
- river, sliver, shiver, liver, giver, striver, deliver, caregiver,
- roaster, coaster, poster, toaster, roller coaster,
- robin, bobbin,
- rodent
- roman, bowman, showman, abdomen,
- roost, boost, deuced, induced, produced, reduced, seduced, introduced,
- rooster, booster
- rosehip
- rouge
- rubber, blubber, scrubber, stainless steel scrubber
- rubbish
- ruby
- ruffle, truffle, shuffle, muffle,
- rugby
- ruin,
- rummage,
- Russia,
- rutabaga
- safari, chary, sorry,
- safe, chafe, waif, strafe, unsafe
- sailor, trailer, tailor, scalar, mailer, jailer, retailer, inhaler, semitrailer,
- salted, unsalted, halted,
- salty, faulty
- sandcastle, castle
- sapphire
- Saskatchewan
- sausage
- saucer,
- scallop, gallop,
- scarecrow
- scarf, barf,
- scathe,
- scientist
- scissors
- scorpion
- scuba, Cuba, tuba,
- season, reason, treason,
- second,
- beckon, reckon,
- secret
- seethe, sheathe, unsheathe
- sentence
- seventy
- sheriff, tariff, seraph,
- shovel, hovel,
- liner, diner, finer, miner, minor, shiner, signer, whiner
- sibling, dribbling, nibbling
- signal
- silence
- silver
- similar
- singer, bell ringer, ringer, slinger, stinger, swinger,
- single, shingle, mingle, jingle, dingle,
- singular
- siren
- sit-ups
- sixty
- skeleton, gelatin,
- gunfire, fire,
- skillet, billet, millet,
- sleeveless
- slinky, pinky, stinky,
- slipcover
- sloppy, copy, floppy, poppy, okapi, photocopy, recopy
- sloth, both, growth, oath, troth,
- smallest,
- smoke detector, collector, nectar, sector, vector,
- hooch, pooch, hooch, smooch
- smooth, soothe
- snorkel
- snowboarder, boarder, border, order, in order, disorder,
- snowdrop
- soda, coda,
- sofa
- soldier
- solid
- solve, involve, resolve, dissolve,
- sonar
- space shuttle, subtle, scuttle,
- spaghetti, Betty, confetti, yeti, rossetti,
- spatula
- spicy, icy, pricey,
- spinach
- spiral, viral, antiviral,
- sponge, plunge,
- spotless
- sprinkle, crinkle, twinkle, winkle, wrinkle,
- sprinkler
- squeegee, Fiji
- squirrel,
- squeak
- stadium, radium, palladium, vanadium,
- stapler
- stem, gem, hem, phlegm, them, condemn, valve stem
- stomach, hummock,
- storage cabinet, Glass-door-cabinet, cabinet
- straggler
- stranger, changer, danger, ranger,
- strapless, hapless
- student, prudent, imprudent,
- substract
- sucker, trucker,
- suds, duds,
- schooner, harpooner, lunar, tuner,
- suffix
- sugar
- sugary
- sumo
- sundae
- surf, turf,
- surfer,
- surgeon, sturgeon, neurosurgeon,
- syrup, stirrup,
- syringe, hinge,
- swamp, romp, stomp, chomp,
- swaddle
- swathe,
- swollen, colon, stolen,
- syllable, polysyllable
- sympathy
- table tennis, tennis,
- tablet
- taco, morocco,
- tarantula
- target,
- taxi, black sea, maxi, waxy,
- teenager, major, pager, wager,
- temperature
- temple
- tentacle
- theirs, chairs, bears, hairs, pairs, shares, stairs,
- theater, theatre,
- themselves, shelves. Ourselves, wall shelves
- roundabout
- thistle, bristle, fissile, gristle, missile, whistle, epistle, guided missile,
- thoughtful,
- tiger,
- tiny, shiny, spiny, whiny, winey, sunshiny
- tithe, blithe, lithe,
- toboggan
- toddler,
- toilet
- traffic, graphic, calligraphic, geographic,
- trellis,
- trouser, browser,
- trinket
- trophy
- trumpet, strumpet, crumpet,
- California
- Connecticut, etiquette,
- Florida
- Georgia
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky, lucky, yucky,
- transformer, former, warmer, informer, performer, reformer,
- motor, rotor,
- thermistor,
- integrated circuit, microcircuit, circuit,
- tubular
- tulip
- turnip
- turtle, myrtle, kirtle, hurtle,
- tweezers
- twelve, shelve,
- two-wheeler
- under, wonder, thunder, plunder, blunder, sunder,
- ukulele, bailey, daily,
- uncle, peduncle,
- university, diversity, biodiversity,
- urban, turban, suburban,
- uvula, hula,
- vuvuzela
- vacuum
- valve
- vampire
- vegetable
- veggies
- vehicle
- ventriloquist
- vertical
- veteran
- veterinarian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, clarion
- viaduct
- video
- vinegar
- viola, cola, Angola, cupola,
- gondola, pergola,
- violinist
- visual
- vitamin
- volcano
- volley, collie, dolly, holly, molly, trolley
- volume
- vulture, agriculture, culture,
- wade
- waitress,
- wallaby
- wallet,
- collet,
- washing-up liquid
- water kier
- water polo
- weapon
- weight lifter
- axle
- width
- wilderness
- windsurf
- whir
- whirligig
- whisker
- whisper
- wolf, werewolf,
- woman, policewoman
- woodpecker, checker, pecker, wrecker, spelling checker,
- worker, woodworker, childcare worker,
- wreathe
- wrestler
- yard measurement
- yoga
- yogurt
- yo-yo
- yummy, dummy, gummy, rummy, tummy,
- zebra, libra
- zebu
- zeppelin
- zinnia
- zither, hither, wither,
- zombie
- zoom lens, pens, tens,
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota, Toyota, South Dakota, North Dakota, quota
- Mississippi, zippy, whippy, drippy,
- Missouri, jury, fury,
- Nebraska, Alaska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- North Carolina, China, South Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania,
- Texas
- Virginia, West Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming, foaming, roaming, coming,
- capacitor,
- inductor, conductor, constructor, instructor
- Mars
- Jupiter,
- Uranus,
- Neptune,
- Venus,
- Mercury
- peanut
- Robot
- flammable
- compressed gas
- health hazard
- corrosive
- oxidizer
- irritant
- explosive
- toxic
- biohazard
- Comet
- Eclipse