Welcome to the Rhyming Lab:
Exposure to Rhymes and Phonological Patterns Through Interactive Exercises
From Series 11
Don't forget! You can download the PDF from the 'Rhyming Words - Series 1-15' menu to work offline and practice rhyming words anytime!
- -ow/-ough/-: cow, now, bow - the rhyme pattern involves the /aʊ/
- Simple Rhymes: bow, now, cow, how…
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: cow, meow, chow, plow, eyebrow, snowplow…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- –ub: cub, tub, sub - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌb/
- Simple Rhymes: cub, dub, hub, nub, pub, rub, tub…
- Cluster Rhymes: club, grub, scrub, shrub…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- –uck: duck, truck, luck - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌk/
- Simple Rhymes: buck, duck, luck, muck, puck, yuck…
- Cluster Rhymes: chuck, cluck, pluck, stuck, truck…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -ug: bug, mug, rug - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌɡ/
- Simple Rhymes: bug, dug, hug, jug, mug, tug, rug, lug…
- Cluster Rhymes: drug, plug, shrug, slug, smug, snug…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -uff/-ough: puff, stuff, cuff - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌf/