Series 15
- -uit/-oot/-ute/-oute: fruit, root, mute, route - the rhyme pattern involves the /ut/ sound
bathing suit, boot, swimsuit, suit, brute, chute, parachute, coot, cute, flute, pan flute, fruit, hoot, loot, root, mute, route, scoot, shoot, toot, grapefruit, star fruit, passion fruit, egg fruit, dragon fruit, dispute, space suit
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- –oom/-ume/-om: boom, plume, tomb - the rhyme pattern involves the /um/ sound
bathroom, bloom, boom, broom, doom, flume, fume, gloom, groom, plume, room, spume, tomb, whom, zoom, bedroom, mushroom, living room, family room, classroom, loom, womb, washroom, perfume, lunchroom, costume, restroom, Playroom
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- -ace/-ase: ace, case - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪs/ sound
ace, base, brace, case, briefcase, suitcase, lowercase, uppercase, staircase, chase, dace, face, lace, shoelace, mace, pace, place, race, space, trace, fireplace, database, vase, bookcase
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- -o/-oe/-ow/-ough/-eau: go, doe, grow, dough, beau - the rhyme pattern involves the /oʊ/ sound
below, beau, blow, UFO, row, no, hoe, buffalo, doe, dough, cookie dough, flow, judo, floe, go, glow, grow, Joe, know, low, mow, owe, show, snow, slow, stow, though, throw, toe, tow, ago, bestow, chateau, crossbow, crow, elbow, banjo, borrow, cargo, coco, hello, kilo, meadow, metro, photo, rainbow, shadow, tiptoe, audio, commando, Eskimo, indigo, Mexico, overflow, radio, tornado, torpedo, clock radio, oregano, portfolio, sweet potato, tomato, tomorrow, pistachio, hot potato, white potato, New Mexico, piccolo, rodeo, sew, Idaho, willow
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- -eat/-eet/-ete/-ite: seat, beet, delete, petite - - the rhyme pattern involves the /it/ sound
athlete, wheat, treat, seat, safety seat, repeat, neat, meat, eat, cheat, beet, car seat, heat, feet, fleet, spreadsheet, sheet, street, sweet, tweet, parakeet, worksheet, secrete, reheat, receipt, petite, delete,