Series 11
- -ow/-ough/-: cow, now, bow - the rhyme pattern involves the /aʊ/
bow, now, bough, brow, chough, cow, how, plow, scow, vow, wow, allow, eyebrow, chow, meow, snowplow,
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- -ub: cub, tub, sub - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌb/
bear cub, club, drub, dub, grub, hub, nub, pub, rub, scrub, shrub, snub, stub, sub, tub, nightclub, lion cub, cub, golf club, rose shrub
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- -uck: duck, truck, luck - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌk/
chuck, buck, cluck, duck, luck, muck, pluck, puck, schmuck, struck, stuck, truck, tuck, dump truck, good luck, garbage truck, fire truck, yuck,
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- -ug: bug, mug, rug - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌɡ/
bug, litterbug, lightning bug, ladybug, hug, dug, drug, jug, mug, plug, rug, shrug, slug, smug, snug, tug, humbug, unplug, spark plug, lug,
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- -uff/-ough: puff, stuff, cuff - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌf/
bluff, rough, powder puff, handcuff, cuff, enough, snuff, stuff,