Welcome to the Rhyming Lab:
Exposure to Rhymes and Phonological Patterns Through Interactive Exercises
From Series 15
Don't forget! You can download the PDF from the 'Rhyming Words - Series 1-15' menu to work offline and practice rhyming words anytime!
- -oot/-ute: - the rhyme pattern involves the /ut/ sound
- Simple Rhymes: boot, coot, hoot, loot, root…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: boot, hoot, loot, root, scoot, shoot…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: cute, brute, mute, chute, flute…
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: mute, brute, flute, dispute, minute, parachute…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- –oom/-ume/: - the rhyme pattern involves the /um/ sound
- Simple Rhymes: room, loom, boom, doom, zoom…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: room, zoom, bloom, broom, gloom, groom…
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: fume, flume, plume, spume, costume, perfume…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- –ace: - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪs/ sound
- Simple Rhymes: dace, face, lace, race, pace, mace…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: face, race, place, space, brace, trace…
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: face, lace, place, space, shoelace, fireplace…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -ow: go, doe, grow, dough, beau - the rhyme pattern involves the /oʊ/ sound
- Simple Rhymes: low, row, mow, tow…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: mow, blow, flow, glow, grow, snow…
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: mow, blow, willow, shadow, rainbow, overflow…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -eat/-eet/-ete/-ite: seat, beet, delete, petite - - the rhyme pattern involves the /it/ sound
- Simple Rhymes: seat, heat, neat, meat…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: heat, meat, wheat, treat, cheat…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: beet, feet, sheet, sweet, street, fleet…
- Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: athlete, parakeet, secrete, reheat, receipt, delete…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!