Welcome to the Rhyming Lab:
Exposure to Rhymes and Phonological Patterns Through Interactive Exercises
From Series 14
Don't forget! You can download the PDF from the 'Rhyming Words - Series 1-15' menu to work offline and practice rhyming words anytime!
- -ocks/ox: blocks, ox, fox - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɑks/
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: docks, locks, socks, rocks, blocks, clocks
- Simple & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: ox, box, fox, mailbox, sandbox
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -ark: mark, park - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɑrk/
- Simple Rhymes: ark, bark, dark, park, lark, mark
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: bark, lark, shark, spark
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: lark, shark, spark, bookmark, landmark
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -ound: round, sound, wound - the rhyme pattern involves the /aʊnd/
- Simple Rhymes: sound, round, pound, bound, hound
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: round, bound, hound, ground, around
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: round, ground, background, campground, playground
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -one/-one: bone, phone, stone - the rhyme pattern involves the /un/
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: bone, cone, clone, drone, stone, throne
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: bone, drone, alone, pinecone, cyclone, xylophone
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -oon/une: balloon, moon, June - the rhyme pattern involves the /oʊn/ sound